Academic Operational Policies

Subject:  Academic Timetables Number:  AOP 208
Issued by:  Vice-President Academic Date Issued:  October 2004
Supersedes:  AOP 208 – Program Timetable/Room Allocation Page:  1 of 1

Loyalist College Scheduling Principles

Block Off Summary

Loyalist College Scheduling Process


June 2018

Academic Timetables

1. Introduction and Purpose 

Loyalist College is committed to providing students with a conflict-free timetable that respects the Loyalist College Scheduling Principles, the faculty collective agreement and supports teaching and learning.   

2. Application 

This policy applies to all instructional and other activity at the College campus. 

 3. Policy Statement 

Space is a corporate resource to be allocated to instructional activity and other College activity in a manner that balances the quality of program timetables with efficient use of space. Space use will be reviewed collaboratively by the academic schools and the Space Committee each year.  

The activity scheduled in a classroom is indicated on the timetable. If another activity is booked in a room that causes a conflict, the scheduled academic activity will prevail. Interdepartmental communication may occur in collaboration with the scheduler and Dean’s office to establish events well in advance to ensure conflicts are communicated to relevant managers to be resolved as early as possible. 

 4. References