Tuition and Fees

All tuition and fees are established by the college in accordance with requirements from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. All fees, charges and deadlines may be subject to change.

Tuition and Ancillary Fees (2024/25)

Full-Time Students

To qualify as a full-time student, your course load must represent at least 70% of the billable hours of the courses required for the semester of the program in which you are enrolled. See the Program Maps page for an overview of your program’s scheduled courses.

Students can log in to myLoyalist and go to myFees for a detailed cost breakdown each term. 

Domestic (Belleville Campus)

Fees related to programs that are less than or greater than two semesters will be adjusted accordingly.


Year One** –
Two Semesters 
(Fall or Winter Start)

Year One** –
One Semester (Spring Start)
Year Two –
Two Semesters
Year Three –
Two Semesters
Tuition $2,722.08 $1,361.04 $2,696.54 $2,682.28
Full-Time Ancillary Fees* $1,367 $683.50 $1,367 $1,367
Total $4,089.08 $2,044.54 $4,063.54 $4,049.28

*For most post-secondary programs. 
**College ancillary fees are adjusted for Toronto campus program offerings, Port Hope campus program offerings, and program offerings delivered primarily or fully online.  

Detailed information on 2024-2025 college ancillary fees for full-time and part-time students 

Students with permanent disabilities:

  • May be eligible for the Reduced Tuition Fee after paying the equivalent of full tuition for their program of study. Registration and documentation are required. 
  • Can self-declare if they want to pay the same Ancillary Fees as full-time post-secondary day students as an option to receive the same benefits as full time students. View the AccessAbility Policy on Ancillary Fees.

*Fees are subject to change.
**Please note: Once finalized, tuition and ancillary fees for years two and three of a program will be reflected on a student’s myFees page in the myLoyalist portal.

No additional taxes.

Programs that are less than or greater than two semesters, or offered through a different delivery option, have different costs. For example:

  • Practical Nursing Tuition:
    • In year one, domestic students will be charged $3,986.64 (tuition) and $1,367 (ancillary fees) for two semesters. Total = $5353.64 
    • In year two, domestic students will be charged $5,545.23 (tuition) and $2,050.50 (ancillary fees) for three semesters. Total = $7,535.73 
  • RPN Bridge Semester into Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing Tuition:
    • In year one, domestic students will be charged $9,531 (tuition) and $2,050.50 (ancillary fees) for three semesters. Total = $11,581.50 
    • In year two, domestic students will be charged $6,354 (tuition) and $1,367 (ancillary fees) for two semesters. Total = $7,721 
  • Nursing – Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing Tuition: In year one, domestic students will be charged $6,354 (tuition) and $1,367 (ancillary fees) for two semesters. Total = $7,721 
  • Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training Tuition: In year onedomestic students will be charged $11,100 (tuition) and $2,050.50 (ancillary fees)for three semesters. Total = $13,150.50

International (Belleville Campus)

Please note that a minimum payment equivalent to one semester is required prior to the start of classes. However, we encourage international students to pay for the entire academic year in advance. 


Year One** – Two Semesters
(Fall or Winter Start)

Year One** – One Semester 
(Spring Start)

Year Two – Two Semesters

Year Three –
Two Semesters

Tuition $15,000 $7,500 $14,429 $14,429
Full-Time Ancillary Fees* $1,367 $683.50 $1,367 $1,367
Health Insurance for one calendar year (mandatory)
$659 $659 $659 $659
Total $17,026 $8,842.50 $16,455 $16,455

*For most post-secondary programs. 
**College ancillary fees are adjusted for Toronto campus program offerings, Port Hope campus program offerings, and program offerings delivered primarily or fully online.  

Detailed information on 2024-2025 college ancillary fees for full-time and part-time students 

Part-Time Day Students

Students taking a course load that is less than that prescribed for full-time students are designated as part-time day students. Programs with high demand tuition rates have different/higher part-time rates. The standard tuition fee for all part-time day courses is $5.59 per hour for domestic students and $31.62 per hour for international students, plus an ancillary fee* of $1.99 per student contact hour (SCH), plus the full Student ID Card, Orientation, Online Mental Health Service, Work Integrated Learning, Convocation and Transcript/Official Documents fees. 

* For a list of the many services, activities and items included within the ancillary fees, and the related policies, view the 2024-2025 Ancillary Fees Schedules for part-time day students.

Fees are subject to change. No additional taxes.

Full-Time Day Students – Overload

Students taking a course load that is more than the 100% prescribed for full-time students are designated as overload students. Students in overload will be charged an additional tuition fee based on the number of hours that are in excess of the 100% total. The hourly rate is equivalent to the hourly part-time rate ($5.59 for domestic students or $31.62 for international students). No additional ancillary fees are charged. Students might go into overload if they need to re-take a course or if they did not take the course in its’ original planned semester, according to the program map.

Distance Studies and Continuing Education

For costs of programs and courses offered through distance studies, including online and correspondence, visit

Short Skills Programs (under 50 weeks)

For skills programs, the tuition fee is calculated at the rate of $72.48 per week. Additional fees may be assessed for some programs. The full fee is payable in advance of registration. Fee information for specific skills programs can be obtained by inquiring at the Admissions Office.

Other Costs

Textbooks, Instruments and Supplies

Textbooks, instruments and supplies vary in cost from $50 to $1,500 per year, depending on the program. Most of these items are available through the College Bookstore.

Additional Program Costs

Some programs charge an additional non-refundable fee for items such as equipment, learning materials, co-op work terms and clothing retained by the student, along with material used in the production of items that become the property of the student. Additional program costs, where applicable, will be outlined in the fee statement.

Incidental Administrative Charges

Incidental administrative charges are non-refundable.

  • Course outline requests: $5 per course to a maximum of $250
  • Penalty for NSF cheques: $35
  • Prior learning assessment (per course): $117.33
  • Replacement of diploma: $37.45
  • Transfer credit/exemption fee: $25 per course
  • Administrative fee, part-time student withdrawals: $20 per course
  • Supplemental exam and approved missed tests fees

Challenge Process and Portfolio Assessment Fee

Students who apply to challenge a course by portfolio, examination, demonstration or another acceptable method, will be assessed a non-refundable fee of $117.33 for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).



Domestic students pay a non-refundable $250 deposit once per academic year. OSAP students may pay a reduced deposit of $150. 

New students must pay the deposit by the deadline indicated for their start term in order to secure their seat. Returning students must pay the deposit by June 15. 

Domestic students can pay their deposit through myFees on the student portal. 

Deposit Due Dates:  

  • Fall term: June 15, 2024  
  • Winter term: December 1, 2024 
  • Spring term: April 1, 2025

Tuition and Fees Due Dates: 

  • Fall term: September 4, 2024 
  • Winter term: January 7, 2025 
  • Spring term: April 29, 2025

If a domestic student does not pay their full balance owing before the deadline, a late fee charge of $150 will be applied to their student account.  


New international students must pay all tuition and fees no later than the deadline date listed on the Letter of Acceptance in order to secure their seat. 

Returning international students must pay their full balance owing by the dates indicated below. 

Tuition Fee Due Dates: 

  • Fall term: August 1, 2024 
  • Winter term: December 1, 2024 
  • Spring term: April 1, 2025

If an international student does not pay their full balance owing before the deadline, a late fee charge of $250 will be applied to their student account.  

Payment Methods 

Loyalist offers the following payment methods. 

  • Bank: 
  1. Set up Loyalist College as an online bill payment, using your student number as the account number 
  2. Visit your bank in person to complete the payment 
  • In-person (debit only): Visit the Payment Office located in room 2H1 at the Belleville campus. Monday to Friday, 10 am – 3 pm. 
  • Personal cheque (Canadian residents only) or money order: Mail the cheque or money order (with the student number) to Loyalist College Belleville campus, attention Accounts Receivable. Post-dated cheques are not accepted.Please ensure sufficient time for the mail to be received in order to avoid late fees. There is a $35 charge for NSF (non-sufficient funds) cheques. 

Cash and credit cards are not accepted for tuition fees, ancillary fees, and residence fees. 

Students must be in good financial standing to register for courses, receive grades, request transcripts, and receive their credential. 


Students who are in any way indebted to the College cannot register for new courses, do not receive course marks or transcripts, and will not receive graduation certificates, diplomas or any other official documentation until the debt is cleared.

Refunds and Withdrawals


  • Domestic students who officially withdraw up to and including the first ten (10) days of scheduled classes of a semester are entitled to receive a refund of tuition and ancillary fees for that semester less a $150 administrative charge. The College will refund in full any tuition paid in advance for second and subsequent semesters. Failure to attend does not constitute a withdrawal. Students must inform the Registrar’s Office, in writing, that they are withdrawing. Withdrawal forms are available from the Student Success Mentors.
  • After 10 days of scheduled classes, colleges are required to refund only tuition and ancillary fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to complete the official withdrawal process and/or to apply for fee refunds. Application for a fee refund should be made to the Registrar’s Office. Overpayments are not automatically refunded. Withdrawal forms are available from Student Success Mentors.
  • Fee refunds are issued directly to the student.


Income Tax Receipts

Students can print an official copy of the Tuition and Education Credit Certificate (T2202A) – certificate includes both the number of months of schooling and the fees paid for the calendar year and Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income (T4A) – for income from bursary/scholarship for income tax purposes from their Banner account. Duplicate certificates are available on students’ Banner accounts.