All current policies
- Academic Freedom Statement
- ACAD 105 Program Advisory Committee
- ACAD 206 Academic Integrity Policy
- ACAD 207 Academic Appeals Policy
- AOP 200 Accommodation for Religious Observance
- AOP 206 Copyright
- AOP 212 Program of Study Development, Renewal and Change Policy
- AOP 213 Academic Coordinators
- AOP 218 Academic Freedom Policy
- AOP 219 Program Quality Assurance
- AOP 220 Integrity in Research and Scholarship
- AOP 221 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, Transfer Credit/Advanced Standing, Articulation Agreements and Exemption
- AOP 224 Evaluation of Student Performance
- AOP 225 Post-Secondary Registration and Graduation
- AOP 226 Admissions
- AOP 233 General Education
- AOP 235 Intellectual Property
- AOP 241 Non-core/Breadth Curriculum
- AccessAbility Policy – Full-Time Ancillary Fees
- AOP 243 Co-operative Education Programs
- ADMIN 100 Developing Policies and Procedures
- ADMIN 102 Smoke-Free Campus
- ADMIN 104 Insurance Claims
- ADMIN 105 Inclement Weather and Suspension of Operations
- ADMIN 107 Conflict of Interest
- ADMIN 114 Children in the Learning Environment
- ADMIN 116 Customer Service Policy: Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities
- ADMIN 117 Whistleblower
- ADMIN 119 Accessibility Standards – Accessibility for People with Disabilities
- ADMIN 122 Service & Support Animals on Campus
- ADMIN 123 Commercialization
- ADMIN 124 International Student Recruitment Agent Management
- Sexual assault and violence
- ADMIN 125 Responding to Sexual Assault and Sexualized Violence Policy
- ADMIN 126 Including Indigenous Knowledge and Community Members in College Activities
- ADMIN 127 Harassment and Discrimination Policy
- Policy statement on upholding free speech
- FIN 200 Procurement Services Policy
- FIN 206 Purchasing Card
- FIN 302 Accumulated Surplus (Reserves)
- FIN 406 Contracting for Services
- FIN 504 Business Expense Reimbursements Policy
- FIN 507 Approval and Execution of Contracts & Invoices
- FIN 511 Investments
- FIN 514 Perquisites
- FIN 515 Financial Administration of Research Funds
- HR 100 Employee Code of Conduct
- HR 120 Recruitment and Selection for All Positions
- HR 121 Hiring for Indigenous Designated Positions
- HR 131 Faculty Academic and Professional Credentials
- HR 132 Full-Time Faculty Development and Evaluation Process
- HR 135 Hiring of Summer Students
- HR 225 Short-Term Disability Management Program (Absence Reporting)
- HR 230 Request for Leaves
- HR 231 Sabbatical Leave for Professional Development
- HR 311 Return to Work
- HR 312 Employee Accommodation
- HR 314 Employment Equity Policy
- HR 500 Access to Information and Protection of Privacy
- HR 502 Employee Account Provisioning and Deprovisioning
- HR 503 Remote Work Policy
- OHS 001 Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) – Belleville
- OHS 003 Health and Safety Representatives Policy
- OHS 004 Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities
- OHS 005 Blood and Bodily Fluid Spills
- OHS 006 Workplace Incident Reporting
- OHS 007 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- OHS 009 Pandemic Influenza Plan
- OHS 010 Share the Air Policy
- OHS 012 Lockout Program
- OHS 013 Respirator Program
- OHS 014 Individual Emergency Response Plans
- OHS 015 Asbestos Management Program
- OHS 016 Hearing Loss Prevention
- OHS 017 Fit to Work
- OHS 019 Students on Unpaid Work Placement
- OHS 020 Hot Work
- OHS 025 Non-College Electrical Appliances
- OHS 026 Motor Vehicle Safety
- PHY 100 Hours of Operation
- PHY 101 Security
- PHY 102 Keys
- PHY 200 Parking
- PHY 201 Traffic Regulations
- PHY 300 Modification of Physical Plant
- PHY 301 Maintenance and Cleaning
- PHY 302 Posting of Notices
- PHY 303 Food and Beverages
- PHY 304 Rental of College Facilities for Seminars, Meetings and Special Events
- PHY 305 College Furniture
- PHY 306 Loan of College Equipment
- PHY 307 Sustainability
Policy updates
The following policies have been removed from this page as they are no longer applicable to college operations and have been formally rescinded by the College Executive Team (CET):
- AOP 201 Code of Conduct: Academic Employees
- AOP 202 Planned Cancellation of Classes
- AOP 204 Course Outlines
- AOP 205 Field Trips
- AOP 208 Academic Timetables
- AOP 216 Academic Integrity Policy (replaced by ACAD 206 Academic Integrity Policy)
- AOP 230 Student Participation in Formal College Activities
- AOP 231 Academic Appeal Process (replaced by ACAD 207 Academic Appeals Policy)
- AOP 234 Student Involuntary Leave of Absence from Academic and/or Residence Policy
- AOP 236 International Travel and Safety – Students Policy
- AOP 237 Student Learning Experience Survey Policy
- AOP 238 Surveys Policy
- AOP 242 New Program Quality Committee
- HR 406 Credential Study Financial Support
- HR 407 Tuition Sponsorship for Full-Time Permanent Employees
- HR 408 Professional Designation Fees Reimbursement
- OHS 008 Respectful College Community
Attention students!
View the selected student policies below:
Not finding what you’re looking for? Staff and faculty are encouraged to check the Policy and Procedure Manual in the myLoyalist portal for policies and procedures that are not currently listed on this page.
If you have questions, please contact Kirsten Mason-Holder, Manager, Policy and Governance, at kmason-holder@loyalistcollege.com.