Policy Number: ACAD 105 | Policy Title: Program Advisory Committee |
Supersedes Existing Policy? Y | Policy Owner: President’s Office |
Associated Procedure: N | Date Last Approved: August 12, 2020 |
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1. Introduction and Purpose
To establish and guide the operations of Program Advisory Committees (PACs) as directed by the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive: Framework 3.0 for Programs of Instruction (the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Framework for Programs of Instruction Directive). This policy is ancillary to the College By-Law 1 15.9 Program Advisory Committees.
2. Application
This policy applies to all Ontario College credentials offered by Loyalist College and approved by the Credential Validation Service, the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board and MCU.
3. Definitions
Programs – a group of related courses leading to a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma, bachelor’s degree, graduate certificate or other credential awarded by the Board of Governors.
4. Policy Statement
- 4.1 In accordance with the MCU Framework for Programs of Instruction Directive, a PAC will be established for each program or cluster of related programs offered at the college.
- 4.2 The PACs provide liaison between the College and relevant business, industry, government and stakeholder groups.
- 4.3 Program Advisory Committees will meet twice per academic year; additional meetings may be scheduled as appropriate.
- 4.4 College staff and students may serve as resource persons to the Advisory Committees but have no voting rights, i.e. act as ex-officio members.
- 4.5 In semesters where PAC members are employed in the college, these members may continue to sit on the PAC, however they are not considered voting members during the period of their employment.
- 4.6 The PAC’s successful function depends greatly on the contributions and participation of members at meetings, therefore regular attendance is required. The college will review member attendance and continuance on the committee should attendance be sporadic.
- 4.7 The specific terms of reference for Program Advisory Committees are articulated in Appendix A.
5. Role of Senior Vice President Academic
The Senior Vice President Academic will:
- 5.1 Ensure that effective performance requirements are in place in each School of the College to ensure that PACs are created for every program of the College and that they are functioning in accordance with the Ministry Binding Policy Directives.
- 5.2 Ensure that the President receives a summary report of each PAC’s activities in April of each academic year.
- 5.3 Provide an annual report to the President, who will present the report to the Board of Governors through the Academic Committee in May of each academic year.
- 5.4 Coordinate on behalf of the President, an annual meeting with PAC chairs and College Leadership Team to discuss opportunities to build program quality and enhance student learning and satisfaction.
6. Other Roles and Responsibilities
6.1 President
- The President is responsible for the overall management and operation of the College. The President ensures that this policy is implemented, and that compliance is monitored through the Senior Vice President Academic. The President approves PAC membership in alignment with this policy and presents PAC recommendations to the Board.
6.2 Deans or Designate
- Deans or respective manager, in conjunction with Academic Chairs and Program Coordinators, will ensure that PAC meetings are held in accordance with this policy and the associated terms of reference.