Loyalist College is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy, safe working and learning environment for employees, students and visitors, in order to prevent illness and injury from both physical and psychological hazards. The College is also committed to addressing health and safety concerns through a collaborative approach with employees, and to ensuring continuous improvement in health and safety performance. The College, in consultation with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, shall make certain that all other policies and operating procedures meet the goals of this Policy.
Our college’s health and safety goals include:
- Integrating safety knowledge and safety expectations into all College operations.
- Meeting or exceeding the requirements of all occupational health and safety laws and regulations.
- Promoting a workplace culture of respect and acceptance for all members of the college community.
- Recognizing that psychological health and safety is as essential as physical health and safety.
- Acquainting employees with their rights and duties regarding health and safety in the workplace and take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of employees.
Our expectations of our employees:
- All College employees will take advantage of safety training opportunities provided, work safely, and follow health and safety procedures.
- All supervisory staff are responsible and accountable for injury prevention. They are also responsible for investigation and correction of physical or psychological safety hazards or risks.
- All faculty and supervisory staff will provide appropriate safety training and will ensure that regulations and safe work practices are communicated to and followed by all students and staff.
Loyalist expects all members of our college community to promote a positive attitude towards health and safety, to report hazards or unsafe conditions to their supervisor, to anticipate safety needs for every task, and to suggest and support initiatives for improving workplace health and safety.
Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility!
* Original signed by Mark Kirkpatrick, President and CEO
Date: October 22, 2024