Home Campus News Awards Presented at Loyalist College Annual Convocation Ceremonies

Awards Presented at Loyalist College Annual Convocation Ceremonies

June 10, 2011

Diplomas, certificates and applied degrees were presented to Loyalist College graduates at Convocation ceremonies held on June 9 and 10. The four events recognized graduates of the Schools of Health and Human Studies, Biosciences, Business and Management Studies, Media Studies, Architecture and Building Sciences, Skills Training, Continuing Education and The Centre for Justice Studies.

The prestigious Governor General’s Award was presented to Jason Lee graduating from Accounting, in recognition of achieving the highest average in a two or three-year program at the College. Jason, who returned to Loyalist through the Second Career program, graduated with an overall average of 97.6 percent. He recently competed in the CGA Provincial Accounting Challenge along with another Loyalist student, representing the College.  Jason intends to return in September for a third year, and Advanced Diploma studies.

Karen Baker, Coordinator, described Jason as an amazing student both academically and socially. “He is a great team player and always helps his classmates with their questions. He really is deserving of this recognition,” she said.

The recipient of the Herbert Young Scholarship Award for outstanding academic achievement and participation in College life was Jennifer Szumowski, graduating from the Child and Youth Worker Program. Mr. Young was the President of Loyalist College from 1970 until 1988.

A total of 108 awards were presented during Convocation and were provided by private donors, business and industry, community organizations, and the Loyalist College Foundation.

Loyalist President Maureen Piercy congratulates Accounting graduate Jason Lee, recipient of the prestigious Governor General’s Award.

Loyalist President Maureen Piercy congratulates Accounting graduate Jason Lee, recipient of the prestigious Governor General’s Award.

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Media Contact:  Dianne Spencer, Executive Director, College Advancement & External Relations, Loyalist College, (613) 969-1913, ext. 2235;
