Home Campus News Parent Information Day Addresses Student Mobility Trends

Parent Information Day Addresses Student Mobility Trends

February 06, 2012

Loyalist College Parent Information Day on Tuesday, February 7th Addresses Post-Secondary Student Mobility Trends in Ontario

Loyalist College Parent Information Day recognizes the important role that parents and family play in a student’s decision to pursue post-secondary education. For students as young as 16 and 17, a College program can afford much-needed time to explore their educational and career interests while still living at home, or nearby. More students are beginning their program of study at college to gain practical life skills and a better understanding of the world, which helps to prepare them for a rewarding career in the ever-changing workplace. 

What:  Loyalist College Parent Information Day  
When  Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.  
Where  Loyalist College

Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, Belleville, Ontario 

The movement of students between post-secondary institutions is becoming increasingly common. To help students to successfully transition to the next stage of their education and beyond, Loyalist College offers 77 university transfer agreements around the world.

Fast Facts from Colleges Ontario’s Student and Graduate Profiles, 2011 Environmental Scan

  • In 2010-2011, 35 per cent of college students came directly from high school.
  • A majority (57 per cent) of fall 2010 new entrants to post-secondary education in Ontario enrolled in a college.
  • In 2010-2011, 44 per cent of college students in a certificate program said their ‘main goal’ in enrolling was to prepare for further college or university study.
  • Typically, about one-quarter of college graduates continue their education immediately (i.e., within six months) after graduation. Returning to their college of graduation or enrolling in an Ontario university were the most popular choices. An increase was observed last year, with 28 per cent of graduates choosing to further their education.
  • Colleges delivered approximately 90 per cent of the apprenticeship “in-school” training in 2009-2010.

At Loyalist’s Parent Information Day on February 7 advisors will be available to answer questions and provide information on:

  • College success strategies,
  • Application process, including what to do when you receive an offer of admission,
  • Financial planning and assistance options,
  • What to expect outside the classroom.

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Kerry Lorimer, Media Relations Specialist, Loyalist College (613) 969-1913, ext. 2536,
