Home News Release Free Family Photos with Quinte Conservation

Free Family Photos with Quinte Conservation

July 07, 2015

You could become the face of Quinte Conservation

This is a fantastic opportunity for people in the Quinte Region – you can have your family photos taken at a local conservation area for free by a student photographer.  We will give you copies of the photos and we will also keep copies to be used to promote our local Conservation Areas.

Get creative – we can take photos of you camping, canoeing, kayaking, geocaching, flying a kite, hiking, birdwatching, having a picnic or just enjoying the great outdoors.  We’re looking for people of all ages, all stages, and all abilities. Singles, groups of friends, or family – even the family dog!   

Any time spent volunteering as a model can count towards a high school student’s volunteer hours.

All you have to do is give Kirsten a call or email and she will get you set up with a time and place suitable for your needs.

For more information contact:
Kirsten Smith
Photography and Communications Assistant
(613) 968-3434 ext. 141
(613) 354-3312 ext. 141
