Home News Release Building the Talent and Skills of Indigenous Learners in Loyalist College

Building the Talent and Skills of Indigenous Learners in Loyalist College

February 08, 2016

Ontario Increasing Opportunities for First Nation, Métis, Inuit Communities

Ontario is funding a new project at Loyalist College to support the success of Aboriginal learners in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

Loyalist College’s project, the Aboriginal Construction Renovation Program, will receive $112,665 over two years to help Loyalist College provide the opportunity to build a dwelling on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

The Aboriginal Construction Renovation Program is receiving support from Ontario’s Targeted Initiatives Fund. The province is investing $3 million to the Targeted Initiatives Fund in 2015-16 to support 20 projects at postsecondary education and training institutions, community-based organizations and other service delivery partners. The Aboriginal Institutes Consortium – a group of Aboriginal controlled post-secondary education and training institutes – will also receive support to standardize and harmonize how they collect student and program data to help to monitor the performance of programs and services offered to Aboriginal learners.

This announcement reflects the province’s June 2015 commitment for stable funding of Aboriginal postsecondary education totaling $97 million over three years, including an additional $5 million to support the sustainability of Ontario’s nine Aboriginal-owned and operated postsecondary education and training institutes located throughout the province.

Investing in the talent and skills of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit learners is one of the many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. It reflects the government’s commitment to work with Indigenous partners, creating a better future for everyone in the province.


“The Targeted Initiative Fund supports innovative and thoughtful approaches to helping Aboriginal learners achieve successful outcomes and I’m thrilled that Loyalist College is receiving support for a project that will benefit students in the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory for years to come.”
 — Lou Rinaldi, M.P.P. for Northumberland-Quinte West

“Loyalist College is very proud of our history of partnership with the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and our Ministry in creating opportunities such as this one to support learners in our Aboriginal communities.  We are delighted to be able to offer the Aboriginal Construction Renovation program on campus in the Sustainable Skills, Technology and Life Sciences Centre, and on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, with this funding.”
— Maureen Piercy, President & CEO, Loyalist College

“The Aboriginal Construction Renovation program is designed as a hands-on, skills-based program that engages its learners through community projects.  Participation promotes employment opportunities and creates a pathway to post-secondary education for our Aboriginal communities.”
 — Paul Latchford Coordinator, Aboriginal Services

“First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners deserve equal access to high quality postsecondary education and skills training programs that will help them get good jobs. The Targeted Initiatives Fund projects will help provide students with direct educational opportunities as well as initiatives that support learning environments that are anchored in the diverse cultural and linguistic traditions of Aboriginal communities.”
— Reza Moridi, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities

“The Targeted Initiatives Fund is helping to provide tangible examples of reconciliation that make a difference in the lives of Indigenous students. The programs supported by the fund will give Indigenous students the tools they need to succeed. We will continue to look to them and other Indigenous partners for guidance and leadership as we walk the path of reconciliation together.”
— David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs


Aboriginal Postsecondary Education and Training Bursary
Aboriginal Institutes
Aboriginal Postsecondary Education and Training Policy Framework
Aboriginal Education Strategy


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Lou Rinaldi, M.P.P.
Northumberland-Quinte West

