To create a budget, start by estimating your expenses and calculating your income for each semester or academic year. This will help you ensure you have the funds to cover all costs, allowing you to focus on your studies.
Remember the 4 R’s of budgeting:
- Realistic: be realistic about your expenses
- Responsible: be responsible; try to prepay fixed expenses and know your limits
- Resourceful: be resourceful, and research all avenues of assistance (e.g. OSAP, bank loans, bursaries and awards, Loyalist Works)
- Revisit: be aware of any changes, revise budget with changes
Money saving tips
- Buy used textbooks, rent textbooks, or sell textbooks to new students or back to the Loyalist Bookstore.
- Look for free events happening nearby
- Bring your own water bottle and use Loyalist refilling stations around campus.
- Make a meal plan and shop flyer deals.
- Get a student bank account and use the ATM for your financial institution to save on fees.
- Many businesses will offer discounts to students. Always carry your Loyalist student card with you.
Find other resources at Loyalist College and within the community that may be available to you.
- Part-time Employment: Career Services can assist you with your job search.
- StudentAwards.com: Explore scholarships and bursaries for Canadian students.
- ScholarshipsCanada.com: Explore scholarships and bursaries for Canadian students.
- Loyalist Student Emergency Food Cupboard: Assistance for emergencies due to extenuating circumstances.
- Belleville Community Trust: Emergency financial support for Belleville and Tyendinaga, based on eligibility.