Recruitment and Selection for All Positions Procedure

Policy Number: HR 120Policy Title: Recruitment and Selection for All Positions
Supersedes Existing Policy? YPolicy Owner: Vice-President, People and Culture
Associated Procedure: YDate Last Approved by CET: August 31, 2022
Related Documents and Links
1. Purpose

Loyalist College aims to attract, recruit and select the most qualified individuals to achieve its strategic goals and to uphold its reputation as an employer of choice. This procedure sets out the process for the recruitment and selection of all employees at Loyalist College to ensure fairness and consistency.

2. Application 

This policy applies to all staff directly hired by Loyalist College.

3. Recruitment Principles

3.1 Each recruitment process will be viewed as an opportunity to move towards a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community of high-quality employees. In all recruitment processes, the job posting will describe the required qualifications in an objective, equitable, and inclusive way.  

3.2 Hiring decisions will be governed by provincial law and legislation, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in collective agreements (where applicable), College policies, and the College’s Strategic Plan, all of which may be amended from time to time.  

3.3 Recruitment and decision-making processes will be structured to promote the equitable assessment of candidates. They will reflect a commitment to removing employment-related barriers, especially those experienced by people who have been historically under-represented.  

3.4 Equity, diversity, and inclusivity should factor into the choice of interview committee members themselves as well as the short-listed candidates. Specifically, committees and candidate pools should, to the extent possible, include persons historically under-represented in the discipline, field, and/or employment or job category of focus.  

3.5 Probationary employees will not be considered for Administrative or Support Staff postings, to ensure the probationary period is not interrupted and can be properly assessed for the position into which the employee was hired. 

4. Accountability

4.1 People & Culture is responsible for ensuring that the recruitment and selection processes align with this policy, the Strategic Plan, institutional values, contractual obligations, legislative requirements, and other relevant policies and procedures.  

4.2 People & Culture is responsible for developing recruitment and selection policy, procedures and guidelines and ensuring that these are aligned with the College’s Strategic Plan, legislative requirements, contractual obligations, and other related policies and procedures.  

4.3 People & Culture provides recruitment and selection consultation to the Hiring Manager, including the determination of discipline-specific qualifications such as vulnerable sector checks, regulated profession requirements, etc. 

4.4 People & Culture Advisors will assist Hiring Managers in determining the appropriate classification and compensation for the position, whether Administrative, Support Staff, Academic, or Student.  

4.5 People & Culture maintains a competition file for each job posting and records and tracks all applications.  

4.6 Senior administrators (College Executive Team) are responsible for ensuring that recruitment and decision-making processes within their respective areas of accountability are equitable, appropriately documented, budgeted for and contribute to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community of staff. 

4.7 The Hiring Manager with the support of People & Culture is accountable for leading a fair, consistent, equitable and transparent recruitment and selection process, in accordance with applicable College policy and related procedures. 

4.8 The Hiring Manager is responsible for selecting the interview committee in collaboration with People & Culture and in line with Composition of the Interview Committee as described in this document.

5. Posting and Advertising for Administrative and Support Staff Positions

5.1 Administrative Staff Positions

  • Administrative Staff positions are non-unionized positions.  
  • Administrative Staff positions will be posted by People & Culture internally within the College and externally at the same time for a period of no less than five working days. Any exceptions require the approval of the President or designate. Internal and external candidates may be considered concurrently.

5.2 Support Staff Positions

  • Support Staff positions including Initiatives/Opportunities (I/O) positions are unionized. 
  • Support Staff positions will be posted by People & Culture in accordance with the Support Staff Collective Agreements.
    • 5.2.1 Full-time Support Staff positions, including Initiatives/Opportunities (I/O) positions, are posted internally for a period of five working days, followed by external posting after the initial five-day period. No review or consideration of external applicants can take place until internal candidates have been considered and notified.
    • 5.2.2 Regular part-time Support Staff positions are posted for a period of five days and may be posted internally and externally at the same time; however, members of the bargaining unit are given first consideration and Hiring Managers will not be provided external resumes until this has occurred. 

5.3 Student Positions

  • Upon request, other part-time support positions, including Student positions will be posted internally and externally at the same time. 

Composition of Interview Committee for Administrative and/or Support Staff Positions 

  • In consultation with People & Culture, the Hiring Manager identifies the interview committee. In addition to the Hiring Manager, who also serves as the Interview Committee Chair, and a representative from People & Culture, composition of the interview committee must include at least two of the following representatives:  
    • A representative (potential colleague) from the department 
    • A representative from another department  
    • Other people who interact with the position, as decided by the Hiring Manager and People and Culture
6. Posting and Advertising for Academic Positions (Full-Time and Other Than Full-Time/Contract) 

6.1 Full-time Faculty Positions and OTFT/Contract Faculty Positions

  • The Hiring Manager with the support of People & Culture, is accountable for the appointment of the best-qualified candidate for a full-time position, or for a contract position, or for the decision not to fill the position if a suitable candidate does not apply. 
    • 6.1.1 Full-time Academic positions will be posted by People & Culture in accordance with the Academic Employees Collective Agreement. Full-time Academic positions are posted internally for a period of at least five working days. External advertising may take place at the same time as the internal job posting; however, external applications will not be shared with the Hiring Manager until internal candidates, as defined by the Collective Agreement, have been given first consideration.
    • 6.1.2 New OTFT/Contract Faculty opportunities will be posted by People & Culture on the College’s website.

6.2 Composition of the Interview Committee for Academic Positions 

  • 6.2.1 Full-time Academic Positions 
    • In consultation with People & Culture, the Hiring Manager identifies the interview committee. In addition to the Hiring Manager, who also serves as the Interview Committee Chair, the interview committee must include the following representatives: 
      • A representative from People & Culture 
      • A faculty member (potential colleague) from the program 
      • A faculty representative from another school 
      • Other people if necessary and as decided by the Hiring Manager and People & Culture
  • 6.2.2 Other Than Full-Time (OTFT) Academic/Contract 
    • In consultation with People & Culture, the Hiring Manager identifies the interview committee. In addition to the Hiring Manager, who also serves as the Interview Committee Chair, the interview committee must include at least two of the following representatives: 
      • A representative from People & Culture 
      • At least one faculty member (potential colleague) from the program or from another school 
      • Other people if necessary and as decided by the Hiring Manager and People and Culture
7. Posting and Advertising for Other Than Full-Time (OTFT) Administrative and Support Positions/Contract 

The Hiring Manager, with the support of People & Culture, is accountable for the appointment of the best-qualified candidate for an Other Than Full-Time (OTFT) position or for a contract position or for the decision not to fill the position if a suitable candidate does not apply. This applies also to Project of a Non-Recurring Kind positions that are positions under the Part-time Support Staff Collective Agreement created for up to one year to work on special projects.

In consultation with People & Culture, the Hiring Manager identifies the interview committee. In addition to the Hiring Manager who also serves as the Interview Committee Chair, and to a representative from People & Culture, the interview committee must include at least two of the following representatives: 

  • A representative (potential colleague) from the department 
  • A representative from another department 
  • Other people if necessary and as decided by the Hiring Manager and People and Culture
8. Roles and Responsibilities of the Interview Committee 
  • Members of the interview committee will maintain strict confidentiality and identify any real, potential, or perceived conflict of interest issues such as personal and/or family relationships with a particular candidate.  
  • All committee members must be available to interview all the candidates selected for an interview.  
  • All committee members must keep factual and objective notes of each candidate’s responses to the prepared questions in the interview guide and return signed interview guides and candidate rating forms to People & Culture.  

In consultation with the interview committee, People & Culture coordinates the interview schedule and location(s) or delegates to the administrative assistant of the department/school. The Candidate Interview Package (consisting of interview schedule, interview questions, resumes of all candidates, and candidate evaluation forms) is distributed to the committee.  

9. Recruitment Stages

9.1 Pre-screening 

  • The Hiring Manager, in consultation with People and Culture, is responsible for determining the short-list of qualified candidates in accordance with relevant collective agreement, College policies, procedures, and guidelines. Candidates are assessed against the qualifications as identified in the job posting consistent with the job description. 

9.2 Interview  

  • Interviews will be conducted in accordance with relevant collective agreement, College policies, procedures, and guidelines. Candidates are assessed against the qualifications as identified in the job posting consistent with the job description. 

9.3 Selection 

  • In consultation with the interview committee, the Hiring Manager is accountable for the decision to recommend a candidate for hire. 
  • People & Culture checks the references of the top candidate(s). Upon invitation to the interview, all candidates complete a Reference Check Consent Form including consent to contact references. Without such consent, current or previous supervisor(s) of a candidate cannot be contacted, formally or informally, for reference information. 
  • Upon satisfactory reference checks, the Hiring Manager sends an email to the Talent Acquisition Specialist to confirm the chosen candidate. The Talent Acquisition Specialist then prepares the hiring package along with all related documentation (including number of applications, interview documentation for all interviewed candidates, copies of reference check results, salary calculation form with salary calculation approved by the Director of Employee Relations) to the appropriate SVP/VP/Executive Director for final approval.  
  • As a condition of employment, some positions might require the candidate to undergo a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC). If this is the case, the offer will be conditional upon receiving the proper documentation. For all positions that have access to residence suites as well as employees who interact with vulnerable persons (see definition in section 12), this will be a condition of employment.

9.4 Appointment

  • 9.4.1 For full-time permanent (Administrative, Support, Faculty), Initiatives/Opportunities (I/O) (Support), and Regular Part-Time (Support) positions, People & Culture prepares a letter of offer and sends it with the hiring package to the Vice-President (VP), or Senior Vice-President (SVP) or Executive Director (ED) of the unit for signature. 
    • Once the hiring package has been approved by the VP/SVP/ED, the authorized letter of offer is sent to the President for signature. The signed offer letter is returned to the Talent Acquisition Specialist.  The offer letter, along with a “New (Academic, Administrative or Support Staff) Employee Appointment Package,” is sent by Talent Acquisition to the successful candidate. The Talent Acquisition Specialist will present the formal offer to the chosen candidate, contact unsuccessful candidates, and ensure that all hiring documents are received.
  • 9.4.2 OTFT/Contract Appointment, People & Culture prepares the letter of offer/contract and sends it to the candidate for signature.

9.5 Announcement of appointment

  • Once the authorized letter of offer has been signed and returned by the successful candidate, People & Culture will notify, in accordance with the relevant collective agreement, all unsuccessful interviewees as to the outcome of the recruitment and selection process. Upon confirmation from People & Culture, the Hiring Manager may announce the new appointment.
10. Onboarding

Onboarding resources and activities are designed to welcome, enable, and empower new employees to successfully begin their journey with Loyalist College. Supervisors will provide departmental orientation to new employees working within their specific groups.

Information on critical policies, legislated and mandatory training guidelines will be offered to all new employees by People & Culture. Services that can assist new employees with support, information, and tools will be provided.

11. Definition – Vulnerable Persons

Vulnerable Persons are those who, because of their age, a disability or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, (A) are in a position of dependence on others; or (B) are otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust relative to them.

13. References
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2015