Assessing Academic Integrity Concerns Procedure

Policy Number: ACAD 206 Procedure Title: Assessing Academic Integrity Concerns 
Associated Policy: Yes Policy Sponsor: Senior Vice-President Academic 
Supersedes Existing Procedure: Yes Policy Owner: Registrar 
Next Review Date: January 1, 2028 Date Last Approved by the CET: September 2024 
Related Documents
1. Purpose 

To ensure concerns related to academic integrity are assessed and actioned fairly and consistently.  

2. Procedure  

Every effort will be made to complete the assessment, outcome, and reporting stages in a timely manner. Procedural timelines are considered guidelines and extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances.  

The process to assess and address academic integrity departures should normally be completed within 15 business days. A “business day” is defined as any day in which normal College operations are conducted. Saturday, Sunday, statutory holidays, and other planned or unplanned College closures do not count as business days. 

  • 2.1 Assessment  
    • The assessment stage should normally be completed within 10 business days. 
      • An employee who participates in the student learning process (faculty, staff, administrator) identifies an academic integrity concern. 
      • The employee advises the student of the concern as soon as possible. The employee communicates the concern in writing, with a copy to the relevant Associate Dean, and shares all applicable information, as able.  
      • The employee provides the student with an opportunity to respond to the concern within 5 business days. The student can respond using their preferred communication method(s) – in writing, through discussion, or both in writing and through discussion.  
        • If the student does not respond, the employee will seek assistance from the Associate Dean in contacting the student. If there is still no response despite reasonable efforts to contact the student, the employee will assess the situation using available information and resources. 
        • If the student needs additional time, they will communicate this to the employee and the Associate Dean. 
      • The employee considers the severity and intentionality of the incident and determines if this incident was an academic integrity departure, seeking support from the Associate Dean as needed. This determination should be completed within 5 business days of receiving the student’s response. If additional time is needed, the employee will communicate this to the student and the Associate Dean.  
      • The possible conclusions of the assessment are:  
        • No departure of academic integrity 
        • Level 1 Academic Integrity Departure: the severity of the incident is minor, and the action was unintentional. 
        • Level 2 Academic Integrity Departure: the severity of the incident is minor, and the action is deliberate. 
        • Level 3 Academic Integrity Departure: the severity of the incident is significant, and the action is deliberate. 
        • Level 4 Academic Integrity Departure: the severity of the incident is major, and the action is premeditated.  
      • If the conclusion of the assessment is that there was no departure of academic integrity, the employee communicates this outcome to the student, with a copy to the Associate Dean.  
  • 2.2 Outcome and Reporting 
    • The outcome and reporting stage should normally be completed within 2 business days following the conclusion of the assessment stage. 
      • The employee confirms if the student has previous academic integrity departures with the Registrar’s Office. The number of previous academic integrity departures does not change the level of the incident; rather, it may inform the decision to apply a more severe outcome than would be typical given the intentionality and severity of the incident. The number of previous academic integrity departures may impact the assessment of the intentionality (change from unintentional to intentional), which would then change the level of the incident. 
      • The employee considers the level of the academic integrity departure, as well as the number of previous academic integrity departures, and determines an appropriate outcome.  
        • The employee references the Academic Integrity Departures and Outcomes Framework (Appendix A) to understand typical outcomes for different levels of academic integrity departures.  
        • The employee seeks support from the Associate Dean when necessary. 
        • Level 1 Academic Integrity Departures are treated as teachable moments and outcomes are formative in nature. Level 2, 3, and 4 Academic Integrity Departures should have outcomes which align with the severity and intentionality of the incident.  
      • The employee completes an Academic Integrity Reporting form and submits it to the Registrar’s Office. 
      • The Registrar’s Office reviews the submission. If the form is incomplete or it is unclear how the outcome aligns with the severity and intentionality of the incident, and the number of previous academic integrity departures, the Registrar’s Office will refer the submission back to the employee and the Associate Dean for revision and re-submission. 
      • The Registrar’s Office confirms receipt and notifies the student, the employee, and the Associate Dean of the outcome. 
      • The Registrar’s Office archives the submission, and actions any outcomes related to the student’s academic record, progression, or student status, if applicable.