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Headshot of Belleville Police Chief Michael Callaghan in his uniform in front of a grey background with a Canadian flag peeking in the left side of the frame.

Loyalist College celebrates Chief Callaghan with Hugh P. O’Neil Outstanding Alumni Award at 55th annual Convocation

Headshot of Loyalist President and CEO Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, wearing a magenta blazer, in front of a blurred background.

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan resigns as Loyalist College President and CEO

Graphic showing the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as colourful squares, each representing a different goal. The goals are: 1) No Poverty, 2) Zero Hunger, 3) Good Health and Well-being, 4) Quality Education, 5) Gender Equality, 6) Clean Water and Sanitation, 7) Affordable and Clean Energy, 8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9) Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 10) Reduced Inequalities, 11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12) Responsible Consumption and Production, 13) Climate Action, 14) Life Below Water, 15) Life on Land, 16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and 17) Partnerships for the Goals.

Loyalist College commits to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals