Loyalist College celebrates graduates at 55th annual Convocation ceremonies

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Belleville, Ontario, June 15, 2022 – Last week, 1,792 Loyalist College students graduated with 1,846 postsecondary credentials, including Ontario college advanced diplomas, diplomas and certificates. Their achievements were recognized with a series of ceremonies from June 6 – 10.

438 diplomas and certificates were conferred on 412 graduates in the School of Applied Sciences, Skills and Technology.

650 diplomas and certificates were conferred on 648 graduates in the School of Health, Human and Justice Studies.

424 diplomas and certificates were conferred on 420 graduates in the School of Media, Business and Access.

334 diplomas and certificates were conferred on 312 graduates from the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.

Ceremonies included speeches from Pam Jolliffe, Chair of the Loyalist College Board of Governors; Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, Loyalist College President and CEO; Alix Shilton, 2022 Valedictorian; and honorary diploma recipients.

Special Convocation ceremonies were held on June 10 and 11 for graduates from the class of 2020 and 2021, whose ceremonies were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Alix Shilton, Child and Youth Care, 2022; Community and Justice Services, 2022

Alix Shilton is a committed leader, active volunteer and a dedicated student who has consistently created positive impact on the greater College community. A 2022 graduate of both the Child and Youth Care and Community and Justice Services programs, Alix was employed at the College’s Fitness Centre, and also volunteered with the John Howard Society; the United Way; and Belleville Police Service as an Auxiliary Officer. A Co-Captain of Loyalist’s Varsity Soccer team, Alix was the recipient of the President’s Award, which is presented to student athletes who demonstrate an outstanding balance of academics and athletics.

Hugh P. O’Neil Outstanding Alumni Award

The Hugh P. O’Neil Outstanding Alumni Award was presented to Chief Callaghan, a 1984 graduate of the Law and Security Administration program, in recognition of the leadership he has demonstrated throughout his nearly 40-year career.

Honorary Diploma Recipients

Ann Buller
President Emeritus, Centennial College

Stacey Daub
President and CEO, Quinte Health Care

Matthew DeMille
Chef and Co-Founder, DeMille Culinary Group

Colonel Ryan Deming
Commanding Officer, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton

Christopher Goodchild
Global Director, Program Management and Margin Optimization, Magna Lighting,
Manufacturing Engineering Technician, 2003

Dr. Bettina Hamelin
President and CEO, Ontario Genomics

Melanie Harrington
CEO, Creative Director, Dahlia May Flower Farm

Rachel Pulfer
Executive Director, Journalists for Human Rights

The Weston Family Scholarship in the Skilled Trades

The Weston Family Foundation is a private Canadian family foundation, established in the 1950s by Willard Garfield Weston and his wife, Reta. The Weston Family Scholarship was established as a pilot program at Loyalist College in 2013 and provides financial support and recognition to students in the skilled trades.

Fifteen Weston Family Scholars graduated this year from the following programs:

Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Olivia Millard
Carter Anderson

Carpentry and Renovation Technician
Michael Wilson

Electrical Techniques
Eli Akey
Julie Darling
Darren Everson
Zachary Macleod
Matthew Thorn

Mechanical Techniques
William Holmes

Motive Power – Parts and Personnel
Stephen Stone

Motive Power – Service and Management
Faith Anne Adella Pierce
Damon Barber

Welding Techniques
Christopher Cairns
Liam Macnaughtan

Welding and Fabrication Technician
Corrado Mallia


“I know I speak for all the members of the Board of Governors when I say that we are immensely proud of our graduates. I am confident that each of you are entering the next phase of your life equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your careers and to find fulfillment on whatever path you choose.” – Pam Jolliffe, Chair of the Loyalist College Board of Governors

“Small gives us the power to do big things. Things that make a big difference to our community, partners, and to you, our graduates. Small is powerful; small is resilient; small is connected and caring. I am proud each and every day as I walk through the halls, and see just how tight-knit and connected our campus community really is. We are delighted you chose Loyalist College as your launch pad to catapult you to your next big thing. I can’t wait to hear your stories and watch you create a big impact in your industries and communities.” – Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, Loyalist College President and CEO

“From the start, Loyalist and its amazing staff and teachers were incredibly welcoming and supportive. They were always willing to collaborate and provide guidance for accomplishing my goals. I hope to pay it forward in my future career, by carrying that supportive and collaborative nature with me. What Loyalist has done for me will always be with me.” – Alix Shilton, 2022 Community and Justice Services graduate; 2022 Child and Youth Care graduate, Valedictorian

About Loyalist College 

Loyalist College is located on the territory of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, and the Haudenosaunee people. We acknowledge our shared obligation to respect, honour, and sustain these lands and the natural resources contained within. Ranked one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges, Loyalist College empowers students, faculty, staff, and partners through experiential, industry cluster-based education, training and applied research programs. As Ontario’s Destination College, the College provides job-ready graduates for, and knowledge transfer to, industry and the community. Located on more than 200 acres in the beautiful Bay of Quinte region, the College is perfectly positioned between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Loyalist College offers more than 70 full-time diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs in biosciences, building sciences, business, community service, health and wellness, media studies, public safety, and skilled trades. Continuing education options are available through LoyalistFocus.com, including hundreds of online, distance and in-class courses, and through the College’s 100+ university transfer agreements. Loyalist College is a key driver of social and economic health in eastern Ontario. It contributes 3.8 percent of the Gross Regional Product, representing $396.3 million annually to the regional economy – based on an October 2021 report by Emsi. For more information on Loyalist College’s Belleville, Bancroft and Toronto campuses and Port Hope satellite location, visit loyalistcollege.com.

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Braden Root-McCaig
Director of Marketing and Communications

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