Employee Code of Conduct Procedure

Policy Number: HR 100Policy Title: Employee Code of Conduct
Supersedes Existing Policy? NPolicy Sponsor: Vice President, Human Resources
Associated Procedure: YPolicy Owner: Vice President, Human Resources
Next Review Date: August 2025Date Last Approved by CET: February 28, 2025
1. Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to establish employee responsibilities, accountabilities, and processes under the Employee Code of Conduct. This procedure supports Loyalist College’s efforts to collaboratively achieve the highest possible standards of integrity and professionalism and to enhance our community members’ sense of belonging.

2. Application 

This procedure applies to all Loyalist College employees, including student employees.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

Employees will:

  • Stay informed of, and adhere to, college policies and procedures.
  • Enjoy the rights and freedoms recognized by law, collective agreements, and The Ontario Human Rights Code.
  • Experience barrier-free, bias-free, and impartial processes.
  • Work in a safe and respectful work environment that is inclusive, welcoming, and supportive for all.
  • Disclose concerns without fear of retaliation or reprisal.
  • Adhere to the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Consult their immediate supervisor should they have questions or concerns related to the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Report violations/breaches as outlined within the Employee Code of Conduct.

The college will:

  • Address concerns that violate the law, a collective agreement, and/or college policies.
  • Uphold an environment that is respectful, safe, and conducive to working and learning for all students, employees, and visitors.
  • Expect all employees to follow all policies of the college, including those governed and/or implemented by legislation.

The college has the responsibility to:

  • Ensure that the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and Indigenous Peoples’ knowledges and experiences are adequately considered when addressing individual complaints and proceeding throughout the complaint process.
  • Provide employees and supervisors with access to training and education about policies and procedures. Provide ongoing support strategies and resources.
  • Foster a safe, healthy, and supportive environment, by responding consistently and equitably to complaints or requests for assistance.
  • Support supervisors with implementing the Employee Code of Conduct, and all other college policies and procedures including providing support, coaching, and disciplinary action up to and including terminations.
  • Maintain an environment that is respectful, safe, and conducive to working and learning for all students, employees, clients, colleagues, and the public.

Supervisors will:

  • Ensure that employees understand the college’s values and expectations regarding conduct during their employment with the college.
  • Support an environment that is respectful, safe, and conducive to working and learning for all students, employees, and visitors.
  • Ensure policies and procedures are consistently applied.
  • Provide guidance for employees on how to best follow all policies of the college, including those required by legislation.
  • Listen to employees’ concerns and consider how to address them, in coordination with the union where appropriate and where applicable.
  • Assist employees in identifying the appropriate policy for raising an issue.
  • Assist employees with the support and resources required to resolve conduct issues.
  • Ensure employees understand and adhere to the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Address situations where there are violations or alleged violations of the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Consult with their immediate supervisor or Human Resources as required in addressing alleged violations of the Employee Code of Conduct.

Human Resources will:

  • Ensure that all new employees review and understand the Employee Code of Conduct at the time of their hiring.
  • Support supervisors in managing and addressing alleged violations of the Employee Code of Conduct.
  • Provide advice, guidance and education to managers when Employee Code of Conduct issues arise.

Vice President, Human Resources will:

  • Ensure the development, review, and availability of the Employee Code of Conduct is aligned with the college’s values, collective agreements, legal requirements, and best practices.
  • Assume responsibility for effectively communicating to all employees, new hires, and management regarding the Employee Code of Conduct. This includes organizing training sessions, workshops, and creating materials to help employees understand the code’s expectations, ethical standards, and consequences for non-compliance.
  • Oversee the enforcement of the Employee Code of Conduct and will work with other leaders to ensure consistency and fairness in handling issues.
  • Monitor the code’s effectiveness ensuring mechanisms are in place to track compliance, review the effectiveness of the code, and update it as necessary based on feedback, changing laws, or updated collective agreements.
  • Foster an organizational culture that prioritizes ethical behavior and integrity, setting an example for others to follow.
  • Play a key role in promoting Loyalist College values in all HR practices and employee interactions.
4. Breaches of the Employee Code of Conduct

In most cases, breaches can be appropriately resolved through discussion. The purpose of corrective measures is to support the employee to improve behaviour and clarify expectations concerning the rules and standards of conduct that are desirable or necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the college.

In circumstances where an employee is unsure as to the most appropriate action in a workplace circumstance, they should seek guidance from their immediate supervisor. Immediate supervisors can provide further direction to the appropriate department, policy, regulation, or contact person. Alternatively, Human Resources can assist and provide direction on workplace matters involving the Employee Code of Conduct.

  • 4.1 Reporting Breaches of the Employee Code of Conduct
    • Employees are expected to report any alleged violation of the Employee Code of Conduct to their immediate supervisor. If the breach involves their immediate supervisor, the employee should consult a supervisory level above their immediate supervisor.
  • 4.2 Investigations into Breaches of the Employee Code of Conduct
    • When a supervisor is made aware of an alleged breach of the Employee Code of Conduct, the supervisor will consult the appropriate policy and investigate the concerns raised. Supervisors may consult with the Human Resources Advisor who supports their operations during this process.
  • 4.3 Responses to Breaches of the Employee Code of Conduct
    • Where a breach of the expectations in the Employee Code of Conduct entails a breach of any related laws, policies, or procedures, then the breach may lead to administrative or disciplinary measures being taken, up to and including termination of employment. Alleged breaches of internal college policies will be addressed in accordance with the associated collective agreement.
  • 4.4 Reprisals
    • Any reprisal related to an alleged breach of the Employee Code of Conduct will be taken seriously. Reprisals may be reported to the immediate supervisor or Human Resources. Any threat, act of intimidation, or retribution, or other disciplinary, punitive, or coercive action made against a reporting employee by an individual in response to the report of a breach constitutes a serious breach of the Employee Code of Conduct. Any act of reprisal may lead to administrative or disciplinary measures being taken, up to and including termination of employment.
  • 4.5 Allegations of Discrimination or Harassment
    • Employees have a right to a safe work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code.  . Allegations of discrimination or harassment will be addressed in accordance with ADMIN 127 Harassment and Discrimination policy and ADMIN 127 Harassment and Discrimination Procedure for Employees.
  • 4.6 Allegations of Workplace Violence
    • Employees have a right to file complaints and some obligations to report workplace violence in accordance with OHS 007 Workplace Violence.
5. Collective Agreements

Loyalist College respects the collective agreements for unionized employees and nothing in this procedure or Employee Code of Conduct replaces or revokes any rights, responsibilities, or processes under collective agreements.

6. Related Documents
7. References
  • Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology Collective Agreement (Academic, Full Time and Part Time)
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act
  • The Criminal Code
  • Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Employees