Loyalist College signs memorandum of understanding to support military-connected students

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Belleville, ON, April 11, 2023 – Loyalist College has partnered with four other Ontario colleges to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on a framework to offer barrier-free and local access to program completion for military-connected students.  

The MOU was signed simultaneously by college presidents from Loyalist, Georgian, Humber, Fanshawe and Lambton at a virtual event on Tuesday, April 11.   

Military-connected students include learners currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, whether in the regular or reserve force, honourably released Veterans, and their immediate family members (spouse/partner and dependent children).

The colleges will work together to reduce barriers for military-connected students who move interprovincially due to Canadian Armed Forces service. Where possible, the colleges will undertake several initiatives, including:  

  • transferring up to 100 percent of course credits while recognizing distinct college requirements;
  • streamlining the enrolment process between institutions; and  
  • sharing of military-affiliated prior learning and assessment recognition practices to support institutional consistency.  

“Loyalist is proud to partner with other colleges across Ontario to build a provincial framework for recognizing military-connected students’ experiences and supporting their success,” said Mark Kirkpatrick, Loyalist College President and CEO. “As learning institutions with vibrant and diverse communities, we continually adapt and refine our programming to meet student needs, champion innovation and support inclusive education options.”

The MOU was spearheaded by Darryl Cathcart, a retired Canadian Armed Forces soldier and founder of Release Point Education, an organization that has a vision of fostering the realization of academic excellence by supporting military-connected students through the provision of specialized, relevant and credible programming.

The Ontario College Application System (OCAS) now includes a self-identification option allowing military-connected learners to disclose their Canadian Armed Forces affiliation. This new feature, supported by all 24 Ontario public colleges, allows participating colleges to identify newly enrolled military-connected students and establish dedicated support and services for this underrepresented group.  

About Loyalist College
Loyalist College is located on the territory of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, and the Haudenosaunee people. We acknowledge our shared obligation to respect, honour, and sustain these lands and the natural resources contained within. Ranked one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges, Loyalist College empowers students, faculty, staff, and partners through experiential, industry cluster-based education, training and applied research programs. As Ontario’s Destination College, the College provides job-ready graduates for, and knowledge transfer to, industry and the community. Located on more than 200 acres in the beautiful Bay of Quinte region, the College is perfectly positioned between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Loyalist College offers more than 70 full-time diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs in biosciences, building sciences, business, community service, health and wellness, media studies, public safety, and skilled trades. Continuing education options are available through LoyalistFocus.com, including hundreds of online, distance and in-class courses, and through the College’s 100+ university transfer agreements. Loyalist College is a key driver of social and economic health in eastern Ontario. It contributes 3.8 percent of the Gross Regional Product, representing $398.9 million annually to the regional economy – based on a November 2022 report by Emsi. For more information on Loyalist College’s Belleville, Bancroft and Toronto campuses and Port Hope satellite location, visit loyalistcollege.com.

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Hannah Brown
Acting Director of Marketing and Communications

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