Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan resigns as Loyalist College President and CEO

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Headshot of Loyalist President and CEO Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, wearing a magenta blazer, in front of a blurred background.

Dr. Vaughan will become Humber College’s fifth President and CEO

Belleville, Ontario, May 31, 2022 – Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan has advised the Board of Governors of her resignation as President and CEO of Loyalist College. She has been appointed as the fifth President and CEO of Humber College and will be the first woman to hold this role. Dr. Vaughan will begin her term at Humber College on August 29, 2022.

“While this news is bittersweet for Loyalist College, the Board has accepted Dr. Vaughan’s resignation,” said Pam Jolliffe, Chair of the Loyalist College Board of Governors. “Dr. Vaughan has had an indelible impact on the College since her appointment in 2016. Her entrepreneurial spirit and forward-thinking approach, coupled with her compassionate leadership, has enabled her to position the institution with an exciting new strategic direction and in solid financial positioning which will see Loyalist drive economic growth and prosperity in the post-pandemic landscape. On behalf of the Board of Governors, I want to extend my deep appreciation and well wishes to Dr. Vaughan as she takes on this new challenge.”

Under Dr. Vaughan’s leadership, Loyalist has become Ontario’s Destination College, known locally, nationally, and internationally as a deliberate choice for students and employees. A major component of the College’s strategic direction is its industry-aligned, cluster-based approach to developing applied programs and research in response to labour market needs. The second pillar of this plan is a focus on graduate attributes, including Citizenship and Global Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and Technology, Indigenous Understanding, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Health and Wellness, and Ecological Literacy to develop career-ready graduates who can thrive in a changing world. Dr. Vaughan has also supported the College in leaning into its core values of being a caring, inclusive, engaging, creative, and accountable institution with a singular focus on ensuring students succeed in their academic programs and achieve their full potential, both personally and professionally.

Key Loyalist College achievements under Dr. Vaughan’s leadership include:

  • Development of Loyalist College’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025, and a new brand identity, with a vision to become Ontario’s Destination College;
  • Strengthening the College’s financial positioning, which has enabled significant new and enhanced infrastructure growth on campus to support the Destination College vision, including new Health and Wellness facilities, Athletics changerooms and gymnasium, Culinary facilities, Applied Research facilities, Technology Access Centre, Mechatronics Lab, MakerSpace, and the bike/pedestrian path formally connecting Loyalist’s campus with the City of Belleville’s bike path network;
  • Boosting The Loyalist College Foundation’s financial health and advocating for new strategic investments in students including new awards, scholarships, and bursaries;
  • Negotiation of a Public College-Private Partnership to establish the Loyalist College in Toronto campus which has enhanced Loyalist’s ability to recruit international students and achieve its current financial position;
  • Creation of a standalone Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing which builds on Loyalist’s longstanding leadership in educating and training the Bay of Quinte’s homegrown healthcare workforce;
  • Development of 25 new programs during the pandemic to meet the needs of local industries to hire career ready graduates with the appropriate skills to make an immediate impact in the workforce;
  • National recognition for Loyalist as one of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges and saw the College rise 11 places to a regional best in the last year;
  • Leading the College-wide pandemic response, including opening a Regional Immunization Clinic in partnership with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health which saw over 60,000 vaccines administered by students;
  • Driving Loyalist’s enrolment growth through regional and international partnerships, which saw international enrolment rise from less than 100 students to over 1600 students annually, and overall historic enrolment at Loyalist to 2800 students;
  • Fostering entrepreneurship and innovation to support students as well as local industry and community partners, including Accelerate in downtown Belleville where students and community members will find a supportive space from which to launch their entrepreneurial ideas; and,
  • Championing sustainability and an equitable inclusive learning and working environment through an official commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals with Loyalist signing onto the SDG Accord.

“Being President and CEO of Loyalist College has been an incredibly enriching, inspiring, and rewarding experience,” said Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, President and CEO of Loyalist College. “I have seen the true power of higher education and its ability to transform both individual student lives and entire communities. Over the last six years, we have accomplished so much together, and I am so proud of the ways that the Loyalist community has continuously shown exemplary dedication and commitment to our students as well as the surrounding communities we serve. The people in this community are exceptional and I am confident that Loyalist College is in a great position for continued growth and success.”

Upon Dr. Vaughan’s departure in August, an Acting President will be appointed while the Board of Governors begin conducting a search for a new President and CEO immediately.

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, Loyalist President and CEO, performing a coin flip at a Skyhawks football game. Dr. Vaughan is centre, on either side are football players, and a referee is visible at the left corner of the image.

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, posing with four students in front of the live greenery wall in the Link Lounge at Loyalist College.

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, President and CEO, at a podium in front of a fake plant backdrop, speaking to an audience not shown.

Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, President and CEO, with Personal Support Worker students wearing maroon scrubs around a snack cart. Everyone is wearing masks.

About Loyalist College
Loyalist College is located on the territory of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, and the Haudenosaunee people. We acknowledge our shared obligation to respect, honour, and sustain these lands and the natural resources contained within. Ranked one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges, Loyalist College empowers students, faculty, staff, and partners through experiential, industry cluster-based education, training and applied research programs. As Ontario’s Destination College, the College provides job-ready graduates for, and knowledge transfer to, industry and the community. Located on more than 200 acres in the beautiful Bay of Quinte region, the College is perfectly positioned between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Loyalist College offers more than 70 full-time diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs in biosciences, building sciences, business, community service, health and wellness, media studies, public safety, and skilled trades. Continuing education options are available through LoyalistFocus.com, including hundreds of online, distance and in-class courses, and through the College’s 100+ university transfer agreements. Loyalist College is a key driver of social and economic health in eastern Ontario. It contributes 3.8 percent of the Gross Regional Product, representing $396.3 million annually to the regional economy – based on an October 2021 report by Emsi. For more information on Loyalist College’s Belleville, Bancroft and Toronto campuses and Port Hope satellite location, visit loyalistcollege.com.

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Kate Gardner
Manager, Strategic Communications
Office of the President & CEO
Loyalist College

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