Co-operative Education Programs Policy

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Policy Number: AOP 243Policy Title: Co-operative Education Programs
Supersedes: NPolicy Owner: Senior Vice-President Academic
Associated Procedure: NDate Last Approved: Oct 5, 2022
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1. Introduction and Purpose

Loyalist College is committed to offering programs that meet student and employer needs. To this end, appropriate programs will include a co-operative education (co-op) component. This policy is intended to create and maintain consistency and quality in the design, development, and review of co-op programs with a goal to:

  • enhancing the service and support provided to students enrolled in a co-op program;
  • improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the co-operative education program at Loyalist College; and
  • enhancing Loyalist College’s relationships with employers.
2. Application

This policy applies to Loyalist College academic programs offering co-operative education as an element and those where the addition of co-operative education is being considered.

3. Definitions

Co-operative Education (Co-op): A model and format of experiential learning that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with work experience. Co-operative education programs comply with the requirements, standards and processes established by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and/or Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL CANADA).
Co-operative Education Student: A student admitted and registered in a co-operative education program.
Entrepreneurial Work Term: Allows a student to leverage resources, space, mentorship and/or funding to engage in the early-stage development of business start-ups and/or to advance external ideas that address real-world needs. Entrepreneurial work terms are subject to approval by faculty coordinator.
International Student: defined as non-Canadian students who do not have “permanent resident” status and have had to obtain the authorization of the Canadian government to enter Canada with the intention of pursuing an education. In other words, international students are those who have come to Canada expressly to pursue their education.1

4. Policy

The Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA), in consultation and collaboration with the Vice-President Student Life and Leadership and the College Executive Team, establishes, maintains, and implements standards and procedures that achieve an exemplary College-wide co-operative education program. Such standards and procedures comply with relevant government directives, and align with the College’s mission, vision, and mandate, and are reflective of College values.

4.1 Co-op Fees
Students registered in a co-operative education program pay co-operative education fees, receive placement support from a faculty representative of their academic program and employment support services from the Career Services & Work Integrated Learning unit (CS&WIL), including the opportunity to participate in employment preparation workshops and work terms.

4.2 Co-op Credentials
Students in a co-operative education program may, where available, choose to graduate with a non-co-op endorsed diploma, or may choose to participate in co-op work terms as per their standard program after completing the required academic semesters to graduate with a co-op endorsed diploma. In cases where the completion of a co-operative education program is mandatory, students who are unable to complete a co-operative work term due to medical or other serious issues will be required to complete an applied project.
Students must consult with their Program Coordinator to determine minimum academic requirements for co-op eligibility.
Note – Co-op as an option will only be offered to students in programs where it is feasible based on academic achievement and a labour market-driven availability of seats.

4.3 Designation or Alteration of Co-operative Education Programs
Introduction or removal of a co-operative education component within, or from, a new or existing program requires the approval of the Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA) and the Director, CS&WIL. Such program changes must follow Loyalist College policy AOP 212 Program of Study Development, Renewal and Change.

4.4 Co-op Work Terms – Patterns, Duration, and Scheduling
Co-operative education program term patterns, duration, and scheduling must conform to the standards established by the MCU and/or the CEWIL CANADA Accreditation Standards and Rationale and conform to the Loyalist College Co-operative Education Programs Policy.

4.5 Participation Requirements for Students
Students are required to meet co-op eligibility before proceeding from an academic semester to a co-operative education work term. Co-op eligibility is outlined in Addendum A – Implementation Guideline: Student Eligibility.

4.6 Participation Requirements for Employers
Employers of co-operative education students must be approved as per Section 6 of the Loyalist College policy AOP XXX Co-operative Education Programs.

4.7 Co-operative Education Evaluation and Permission to Graduate

  • 4.7.1 The work of the student on a co-operative work term is evaluated by a faculty member.
  • 4.7.2 Students who satisfactorily complete all academic requirements but, either by choice or by circumstance, do not complete the co-operative education work term component may apply to graduate without a co-op endorsement.
  • 4.7.3 Students who complete both the academic requirements and the co-operative education work term component may apply to graduate with a co-op endorsement.

4.8 Review of Procedure
The Work-Integrated Learning Committee will review the Co-operative Education Programs Policy and associated procedures biannually and report findings to the Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA) and the Vice President, Student Life and Learning (VPSL&L).

1 Definition of “International students” (