Academic Integrity Policy

Policy Number: ACAD 206 Policy Title: Academic Integrity  
Supersedes Existing Policy: Yes Policy Sponsor: Senior Vice-President Academic 
Associated Procedure: Yes Policy Owner: Registrar 
Next Review Date: January 1, 2028 Date Last Approved by the CET: September 2024 
Related Documents
1. Purpose 

Academic integrity in the learning environment is an important assurance of learning. Learners must be able to reliably demonstrate course and vocational learning outcomes and must possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be career-ready and successful in their chosen field.   

Loyalist College believes in the six fundamental values of academic integrity: honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility, and courage (International Centre for Academic Integrity, n.d.). Loyalist College also honours the seven grandfather teachings of respect, wisdom, love, bravery, humility, honesty, and truth, which provide a foundation for a student’s personal responsibility related to academic integrity (Maracle, 2020).  

Through the lens of these values and teachings, and guided by an overarching philosophy of restorative justice, this policy provides guidance related to the identification, assessment, and resolution of academic integrity concerns. 

2. Application 

This policy applies to all students at Loyalist College and all employees who participate in the student learning process and the administration of academic integrity procedures.  

3. Definitions 

Academic Activities: All activities which fulfil requirements for courses or programs. These activities include both graded and ungraded exercises, including but not limited to quizzes, tests, exams, assignments (individual and group), presentations, and experiential learning opportunities. 

Academic Integrity: “The expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility” (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, 2022). 

Academic Integrity Departure: An action or behaviour, intentional or unintentional, which does not align with the expectations of the learning environment.  

Student: A person who is enrolled, or is in the process of enrolling, in a program or a course, on a full-time or part-time basis.  

4. Policy  

Loyalist College is committed to providing a high-quality academic experience and fostering a learning environment where expectations related to academic integrity are consistently promoted and upheld. The College will provide students and employees with information, resources, and learning opportunities to ensure all members of the College community contribute to a culture of academic integrity. 

In the learning environment, students are expected to conduct themselves with honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility, and courage in all their interactions and academic activities. Students must demonstrate a commitment to their acquisition and demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes, for their own academic, professional, and personal success. Students should refrain from any action or behaviour that seeks to gain an unfair academic advantage, for themselves or for another student. 

  • 4.1 Assessing Academic Integrity Concerns 
    • Concerns related to academic integrity will be assessed consistently on a case-by-case basis, with active participation from all parties. If it is decided that the action taken was a departure from academic integrity, consideration will be given to the severity and the intentionality of the action. Consideration will also be given to the number of previous academic integrity departures. 
      • Severity: The type of academic advantage that a student is attempting to gain. 
      • Minor incidents: The academic advantage is minimal. 
      • Significant: The academic advantage is considerable. 
      • Major: The academic advantage is substantial. 
      • Intentionality: The degree to which the action was purposeful. 
      • Unintentional: The action was taken without an awareness that it was contrary to the expectations of the learning environment.  
      • Deliberate: The action was intentional. 
      • Premeditated: The action was intentional and involved a degree of forethought or planning. 
  • 4.2 Appeals 
    • Appeals will follow ACAD 207 Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure
  • 4.3 Records Retention 
    • All records related to academic integrity departures will be retained by the Registrar’s Office for a period of seven academic years from the time of the incident. All records will be handled with limited, as-needed, internal access in order to maintain a reasonable degree of confidentiality. Academic integrity departures will not be noted on a student’s transcript. 
6. References