Terms and Conditions

On this page, please find an overview of additional standard terms and conditions that apply to Loyalist College purchase orders.

Home / About / Organization / Procurement services / Terms and Conditions
  1. Contact Procurement Services at 613-969-1913, extensions 2210, 2176 or 2211. 
  2. Email purchase@loyalistcollege.com.  
  3. Pricing: Unless otherwise stated, the prices quoted on all orders shall be payable in Canadian funds, FOB Loyalist College, Belleville. 
  4. College standard terms of payment are net 30 days unless otherwise stated in writing. Payment will be made in Canadian funds unless otherwise stated in this order. 
  5. Payment terms with prompt payment are to be calculated from the receipt date. 
  6. GST Registration Number, if applicable, must appear on every invoice. 
  7. Taxes: Identify all taxes separately. 
  8. A purchase order number must appear on all documentation related to any transaction, including the exterior of the package. No order is to be accepted under this agreement without a purchase order. 
  9. All goods must be accompanied by a packing slip. 
  10. No substitutions or changes will be accepted without prior authorization in writing by a designated official of the Procurement Services department. 
  11. Quantities received in excess of quantities specified on the order may be returned at the supplier’s expense if not agreed upon by the college. 
  12. The college reserves the right to inspect the order after delivery and to return all or any portion of the order at the supplier’s expense if found to be defective or not in compliance with the requirements of the specifications and/or drawings.
  13. No return restrictions or restocking charges shall apply to any order. Prior to accepting purchase orders, suppliers must confirm in writing any such conditions, and submit for approval to Loyalist College. 
  14. No electrical items will be accepted without CSA/ESA approved or special inspection labels from Ontario Hydro. Supplier must be responsible for obtaining and ensuring all electrical equipment is correctly labelled. 
  15. For each controlled product ordered, an MSDS conforming to WHMIS legislation must accompany each shipment of the goods. 
  16. Any supplier performing work on site must provide WSIB and insurance certificates prior to any work being performed. 
  17. Warranty: All Goods must carry a minimum one-year warranty from the time of receipt at the college or time of installation or time of acceptance, whichever is the later. 
  18. No order shall not be assigned or sublet in whole or in part without the previous written approval of the purchaser. 
  19. In accepting any order, it is understood that the supplier agrees to all the terms and conditions of this order. 
  20. AODA Compliance: Any supplier who delivers service on behalf of the college, and deals with members of the public, must receive training with respect to the provisions regarding the delivery of services to persons with disabilities in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Five light green graphic circles.