With an outstanding Equitable Learning reputation, we offer a range of services to support you on your journey including but not limited to ASL/English interpreting services, tutoring services, and in-house notetaking. Services are free, voluntary and confidential. Our goal is to maximize your potential for success, inspire your confidence, get you excited about learning, and prepare you for the workplace.
Accommodations and support services
- ASL (American Sign Language)/English interpreting
- Notetaking services
- Assistive listening devices – personal FM system
- Specialized/peer tutoring
- Extended test time
- Closed captioning
- Preferential seating
- Extended time to complete the program/reduced course load
Register for our services
Students are encouraged to contact our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services well before attending school to discuss individualized academic accommodations and supports.
To register with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, please complete the AccessAbility Services Application Form. We will contact you once you submit your application to book your first appointment. Please include supporting documentation. Documentation can be uploaded and submitted via your online application, or by mail, fax or email to:
AccessAbility Services
Loyalist College
376 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road
P.O. Box 4200
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5B9
Fax: 613-969-0411
Email: advising@loyalistcollege.com

For more information about Loyalist College’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services please contact our AccessAbility Services team by emailing:
Ted Morrison, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: morrison@loyalistcollege.com
Heidi Tawse, Coordinator, Interpreting Services: htawse@loyalistcollege.com
Learn more about our AccessAbility Services