Policy Number: OHS-007 | Policy Title: Workplace Violence Prevention |
Supersedes Existing Policy? Y | Policy Owner: Vice President, People and Culture |
Associated Procedure: Y | Date Last Approved by CET: February 10, 2021 |
Related Documents and Links |
1. Introduction and Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to define Loyalist College’s commitment to provide a safe and respectful working and learning environment for all College community members. This policy is a critical component of Loyalist College’s values that encourage a culture where all community members act with respect and integrity. Violence will not be tolerated by any member of the College community.
2. Application
This Policy applies to all members of the College community including all employees, governors, students, contractors, suppliers of services, individuals who are directly connected to any College initiatives, volunteers, and visitors. All college-sanctioned activities and functions are covered by this policy and extend beyond the physical boundaries of Loyalist College. Activities that take place under the auspices of Loyalist College such as placement, field trips, and social events are covered by this policy, regardless whether they take place on or off College premises.
Behaviours that constitute harassment, bullying, discrimination or incivility are covered under the staff OH&S Policy 008 – Respectful College Community.
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, as they apply to all members of the College community, are covered under Loyalist College policy SS 612 Sexual Assault and Sexualized Violence.
Incidents where both the complainant and the respondent are students will be handled by Student Success with the involvement of Risk Assessment Review Committee where deemed necessary.
3. Definitions
Supervisor: a person who has charge over a workplace or authority over a worker as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This may include supervisors, managers, chairs, deans and members of Senior Leadership.
Violence: the attempted or actual exercise of any intentional physical force that causes or may cause physical injury to a College community member, including sexual violence. It also includes any threats or behaviours which give a person reasonable grounds to believe he or she is at risk of physical injury.
Weapons (or replicas): anything used, designed or intended to cause injury.
Workplace: wherever an employee or student attends for the purpose of work or study, on or off campus, involving work or learning activities sanctioned by the College, including a virtual or cyberspace environment.
4. Policy Statement
All reported incidents of violence or serious threats must be reported immediately, and will be investigated in a fair and timely manner that ensures due diligence, compliance with provincial health and safety legislation, and respect for the parties’ privacy. There will be no reprisals against complainants who file a report in good faith and with reasonable grounds. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension, termination, or the filing of criminal charges.
The College will restrict access to all information provided in the disclosure and processes related to a report and investigation of an incident of workplace violence or harassment with a legitimate need for such access, and will provide education and training to those who are regularly involved in receiving disclosures and the administration of reports. However, confidentiality cannot be assured in circumstances where:
- The College’s Risk Assessment Review Team process determines that risk to an individual or the College community exists
- A report has been made and the respondent must be informed of the details of the report as part of the investigation and in keeping with procedural fairness, and/or
- Reporting is required by law
5. Related Documents or Links
- Workplace Violence Prevention Procedure
- Appendix OHS-007 (A): Violence Prevention Incident Report
- Appendix OHS-007 (B): Response Guidelines
- Appendix OHS-007 (C): Workplace Violence Risk Assessments (Part A)
- Appendix OHS-007 (C): Workplace Violence Risk Assessments (Part B)
- Appendix OHS-007 (D) – Policy Statement on Violence Prevention
- Appendix OHS-007 (E) – Staff Safety Plans: Main Campus and Satellite Campuses (parts A and B)
College Policies
6. References
- Occupational Health & Safety Act, Violence & Harassment, sections 32.0.1 – 32.0.8
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Workplace Violence & Harassment: Understanding the Law. Ontario Ministry of Labour, 2016. https://www.ontario.ca/page/understand-law-workplace-violence-and-harassment