Return to Work Procedure

Procedure Number:  HR 311 Procedure Title: Return to Work  
Supersedes Existing Procedure? Y  Procedure Owner: Vice-President, People & Culture  
Associated Policy: Y  Date Last Approved by CET: December 5, 2013 
Related Documents and Links
1. Purpose

To document the components of the Return to Work (RTW) program to ensure a caring and consistent approach for all employees returning to work after an illness or injury.

2. Application 

The Return to Work program is applicable to both occupational and non-occupational illnesses and injuries for all College employees.

3. Assessment
  • For occupational illnesses or injuries, the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will request specific medical limitations/restrictions from an appropriate health care provider using WSIB’s Functional Abilities Form. The form can be sent with the employee or sent directly to the health care provider for completion. Relevant sections of the employee’s job description may accompany the form. The health care provider will be reimbursed by WSIB for the completion of the form.
  • For non-occupational illnesses or injuries, the Human Resources Representative or Service Provider will request confirmation that the employee suffers from a disability that is preventing the employee from performing the duties of their job, prognosis for recovery/return to work and specific medical limitations/restrictions from an appropriate health care provider. Form HR 311(B) Health Professional’s Assessment may be used to gather this information. Once the employee has signed the Employee’s Consent, the form is sent with the employee or sent directly to the health care provider for completion. Relevant sections of the employee’s job description may accompany the form.
  • The RTW Team members, as required, will assess the information gathered and identify possible RTW strategies that meet any restrictions or limitations identified by the health professional.
  • For extended, non-occupational absences, the manager, Human Resources Representative or Service Provider will maintain regular contact with the employee. When there are changes in his/her abilities and/or limitations, the employee will provide updated information to Human Resources Services, or the Service Provider, in order that possible return-to-work opportunities can be developed.
  • For extended occupational absences, the manager, WSIB and the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will maintain regular contact with the employee. When there are changes in his/her abilities and/or limitations, the employee will provide updated information to WSIB in order that possible return-to-work opportunities can be developed.
4. RTW Planning
  • A RTW Plan will be developed as soon as the employee is fit to return to some form of work.
  • The normal duration of a RTW Plan is between 2 and 8 weeks. Exceptions may be made under special circumstances with supporting objective medical rationale from an appropriate medical professional/health care provider.
  • Each RTW Plan and request for accommodation is assessed on a case-by-case basis and is dependent upon the circumstances of each individual.
  • For straightforward RTW Plans, the Human Resources Representative (non-occupational cases) and the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator (occupational cases), documents the RTW Plan in an e-mail or on the RTW form (Form HR 311(A) Return to Work Plan) and forwards it to the relevant parties. A RTW Team meeting will be held if requested.
  • For more complex RTW situations, the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator arranges a meeting of the RTW Team in order to gather additional information to assist in developing the RTW Plan.
  • The RTW Plan outlines:
    • The action steps that will be taken to assist the employee to return to regular work and regular hours as soon as possible, while supporting recovery
    • The services, resources and workplace accommodations that will be provided to the employee to assist with recovery and safe return-to-work
    • Responsibilities and target dates
    • The return-to-work schedule
    • Communication issues (i.e. co-worker communication)
    • The estimated return-to-work date
  • The Human Resources Representative, Service Provider or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will document the RTW Plan and distribute to the employee, manager and Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator with copies to the Union Representative (if part of the RTW Team). The RTW Plan may be shared with the Health Care Provider to ensure there are no medical concerns.
  • For WSIB cases, the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will also provide a copy of the RTW Plan to WSIB.
  • Sun Life develops and prepares all RTW Plans for employees returning from Long Term Disability.
5. Plan Implementation
  • Where appropriate the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator may provide the employee with a copy of Appendix HR 311(A) Guidelines for Workers on Modified Work Programs and review the requirements with the employee and manager.
  • The employee returns to work as per the schedule agreed to in the RTW Plan.
  • The Human Resources Representative, the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator, or the Service Provider as applicable, will maintain contact with the employee and the manager to ensure the Plan is implemented successfully and there are no issues interfering with a safe return to work.
  • If the employee has concerns at any time during the implementation of the RTW Plan, he/she will contact the Human Resources Representative, the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator or the Service Provider, as applicable, for assistance in resolution; the RTW Team will be convened if necessary.
  • If the manager has concerns at any time during the implementation of the RTW Plan, he/she will contact the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator, as applicable, for assistance in resolution; the RTW Team will be convened if necessary.
6. Dispute Resolution

The resolution of issues arising from the RTW Program must be done in a timely manner, include involvement of all relevant stakeholders in developing a solution, and recognize the availability of choices and options in developing RTW plans. The following steps shall take place when a dispute arises:

  • If straightforward, the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will attempt to address the employee’s concern(s).
  • If not able to resolve, the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will convene a meeting of the RTW Team.
  • The RTW Team will clarify the nature of the dispute, identify if additional information or resources are needed (See Form HR 311(C) Dispute Resolution Options), and identify possible modifications to the RTW Plan that would address the employee’s concern(s).
  • If more information is needed, the Human Resources Representative or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will request the relevant information and then reconvene the RTW Team to discuss the information and suggest solution(s).
  • For occupational illnesses or injuries, the RTW Team meeting may include a WSIB Work Reintegration Specialist to assist the parties in achieving resolution. The Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will contact WSIB to request this service.
  • For non-occupational illnesses or injuries, the RTW Team meeting may include a RTW Mediator (Executive Director, HRS or other resource skilled in facilitation and mediation) or Service Provider, as applicable, to facilitate the meeting and assist in achieving resolution of the dispute.
  • The Human Resources Representative, Service Provider or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will adjust the RTW Plan according to the outcomes and distribute the revised Plan to all parties.
7. Communications & Training
  • At least annually, all employees will receive information about the RTW Program.
  • The RTW Program is posted on the staff’s internal site.
  • During orientation, new employees will be made aware of the RTW program, including their role and responsibilities, and the College’s commitment to accommodation and timely and safe return to work. Refer to Human Resources Policy HR 312 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities.
  • The RTW Team will be made aware of when, and how, information is shared throughout the RTW program, including their roles and responsibilities regarding confidentiality.
  • All managers/supervisors (with direct reports) must either attend a formal RTW training session or read HR 311 Return to Work Program (and any subsequent revisions) and formally acknowledge their understanding of the program on Form HR-311(D). Return the completed form electronically or manually to Human Resources Services.
8. Continuous Improvement
  • Annually, or as requested by the College Executive Team, Human Resources Services will review the RTW Program results, identify trends or emerging issues that require action and compile a summary.
  • Annual reporting on the RTW Program will be provided to the College Executive Team by the Executive Director, Human Resources Services.
  • The RTW Program will be reviewed at least every 3 years and updated as necessary by Human Resources Services.
10. References
  • Model College Return to Work Program – OPSEU – – Council of Regents, Return to Work Task Force 2002
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Act – Part V – Return to Work
  • WSIB Operational Policy Manual – Work Reintegration
  • A Guide for Managing the Return to Work – Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Ontario Medical Association
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act