Keys Policy

Subject: KeysNumber: PHY 102
Issued By: Vice-President, Finance & Corporate ServicesDated: August 3, 1993
Supersedes: PHY 102 (Dated: March 29, 1993)Procedure Attached: Yes
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1. Policy

The College has a substantial investment in tools and equipment, and it is the obligation of all members of staff to provide the greatest possible security for these items. Standard room keys will be issued to the appropriate staff members where required and each employee will be responsible for the use of such keys. Keys are not to be loaned to any staff member or to students. No College key is to be duplicated by any staff member for any reason except through the office of the Supervisor of Facilities Services.

MASTER KEYS are College keys which open a specified group of doors. The types of Master keys, GM, A and B and locks which they open are listed in Appendix A. Control of Master keys is an important element of College security; hence the issue of keys is restricted to those positions listed in Appendix A.

2. Procedure
  • Obtain key cards from Facilities Services Clerk, Room 2L5. A separate card will be required for each key.
  • Complete information noted on card and submit to the Authority noted in Appendix A.
  • Submit key card to the Facilities Services Supervisor for counter-signing.
  • The key will be issued from the Facilities Services Clerk – Room 2L5.
  • Keys must be returned to the Facilities Services Clerk if they are no longer required.
  • Upon termination from the College all keys must be returned prior to the last pay being issued as per Policy & Procedure – HR 235, “TERMINATION”.
  • After hours admittance of properly authorized staff may be obtained form the security guard.