Hot Work

Policy Number: OHS 020 Policy Title: Hot Work 
Supersedes Existing Policy?Policy Owner: Executive Director, Human Resources Services and Organizational Development 
Associated Procedure:Date Last Approved by the Board: Date March 6, 2019 
Related Documents and Links
1. Introduction and Purpose 

Loyalist College is committed to a workplace free of injuries. Maintaining a fire-safe environment for the campus community is a priority with the College. Prevention of fire from ignition sources involving hot work is of special concern. 

The purpose of the policy is to provide the knowledge required to minimize the identified workplace hazards associated with hot work. 

2. Application 

This policy will apply to all College employees as well as others authorized by appropriate authority to perform hot work on behalf of the College. This may involve regular repairs, maintenance, research, as well as work performed by outside contractors.  This policy additionally covers property which the College owns or on which it delivers programs. 

3. Definitions  

Competent Person:  A person possessing knowledge, experience and training required to perform a specific duty safely and properly. 

Fire Watch: In the context of this policy/procedure, it is the person designated to monitor and inspect work areas in and around the location of hot work, during and following the work, for potential sources of ignition or the presence of smoke or flames. (See Hot Work Procedure, 4.2 for details.) 

Hot Work: Hot work is any work that involves burning, welding, using fire- or spark-producing tools, or that produces a source of ignition. Welding and cutting operations are common to drilling and servicing operations. 

Supervisor: Supervisor means a person who is authorized by the College to oversee or direct the work of employees or students.  

Training: Training means to give information and explanation to an employee with respect to a particular subject matter and require a practical demonstration that the employee has acquired knowledge or skill related to the subject matter.   

4. Policy Statement 

Loyalist College will ensure that the college complies to Ministry of Labour guidelines and legislation pertaining to hot work activities. It is expected that everyone on campus will comply with this policy and the associated Hot Work procedure. The Joint Health and Safety Committee will review the procedure regularly to ensure it remains compliant to provincial laws and guidelines. 

All hot work permits will be obtained before hot work is performed. 

All relevant employees are provided with the appropriate training on identifying and controlling workplace hazards where hot work is performed.  

Employees and students shall conduct hot work activity in compliance with safety procedures appropriate for other hazards. Incidents shall be reported to the hot work supervisor. Relevant employees and students shall identify the personal protective equipment (PPE) to be worn and other safety equipment to be used for hot work activity. 

Appropriate fire extinguishing equipment shall be verified to be operable and positioned for immediate use. 

6. References