Fit To Learn

Procedure Number: STUD 204 Procedure Title: Fit To Learn 
Supersedes Existing Procedure?Procedure Owner: Director of Student Success 
Associated Policy:Date Last Approved by CET: January 30, 2019 
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1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to provide the process for students to report their use of an impairing substance during school hours, and to set out what steps are taken to investigate and mitigate substance abuse that affects a student’s performance at Loyalist College.

2. Application

This policy is applicable to all Loyalist College students while on College premises, or while conducting College activities off premises.

3. Medical Use of an Impairing Substance
  • 3.1 A student who seeks provisions because they must use an impairing substance for medical purposes (e.g., cannabis or prescription medication), and has concerns about his/her ability to learn or engage in College activities safely, or a student has a substance use disorder, must register with AccessAbility Services.
  • 3.2 An AccessAbility Services staff member will record this information using the Medical Use of Impairing Substance Report Form (Appendix A).
  • 3.3 Any provisions made to support a student using an impairing substance medically are expected to be time-limited and progressive.
  • 3.4 Depending of the nature of the student’s medical condition, the arrangement may include an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) and/or may take the form of:
    • modification to learning environment (e.g. assistive devices)
    • modification to learning schedules
    • outline of expectations regarding conduct and behaviour
  • 3.5 It is the responsibility of any student requesting accommodation to:
    • provide relevant documentation to a member of AccessAbility Services,
    • follow any medical directions relating to taking the medication,
    • alert faculty if, during classroom activities, a student feels too impaired to participate, and
    • cooperate with the learning accommodation process.
  • 3.6 Students’ names are also shared with the security team at the college, as needed, in case any safeguards are required.
4. Determining Impairment and Incident Investigations
  • 4.1 If faculty member, becomes aware that an individual is showing signs of impairment, they should confirm the suspect impairment using the Fit to Learn Checklist & Investigation form (Appendix B).
  • 4.2 All actions should be handled with empathy, without judgment, and while maintaining strict confidentiality around divulging such information to only those who need to know.
  • 4.3 The impairment information should be forwarded to Student Success and AccessAbility staff, who will support each student on a case-by-case basis to determine the best course of action.
  • 4.4 If a student requires urgent attention, or if they pose a serious risk to the safety of themselves or others, immediate action must be taken by contacting Security or 911.