Level 1 Academic Integrity Departure (Teachable Moment) The severity of the incident is minor, and the action was unintentional. | Possible Actions Incomplete or improper attempts at proper citation and referencing Unauthorized, minor collaboration Re-submitting previous work without approval Possession – but not use – of unauthorized devices or materials in a test or examination | Possible Outcomes Resubmission of work Supplemental assessment Academic integrity reflection paper Assignment – minor grade reduction (1-10%) |
Level 2 Academic Integrity Departures The severity of the incident is minor, and the action is deliberate. | Possible Actions Copying and pasting significant content without attempts at proper citation and referencing Use of unauthorized devices or materials for an assignment Submitting the same assignment in more than one course (self-plagiarism) Submitting work with parts completed by someone else or generated partially by artificial intelligence software, without approval. Unauthorized, major collaboration Helping other students gain a minor academic advantage | Possible Outcomes Supplemental assessment Assignment – moderate grade reduction (11-30%) |
Level 3 Academic Integrity Departures The severity of the incident is significant, and the action is deliberate. | Possible Actions Copying the work of someone else and submitting it Submitting work generated wholly or primarily by artificial intelligence software, without approval Submitting work purchased from a third party Copying another student’s answers on an examination Falsifying references or research data Use of unauthorized materials or devices for a test or examination Helping other students gain a major academic advantage Submitting fraudulent documents to gain an academic advantage (e.g., doctor’s note) | Possible Outcomes Assignment – major grade reduction (31-50%) Assignment – grade of zero |
Level 4 Academic Integrity Departures The severity of the incident is major, and the action is premeditated. | Possible Actions Stealing, reproducing, circulating or otherwise gaining prior access to examination materials Unauthorized access to another student’s identity and/or password Submitting fraudulent documents to gain an institutional-level academic advantage (e.g., documents to support admission or credit transfer) Impersonation Tampering with grades and/or academic systems of record | Possible Outcomes Course failure Suspension from the College Expulsion |