Policy Number: OHS 010 Policy Title: Share the Air 
Supersedes Existing Policy: Yes Policy Sponsor: Vice President Human Resources 
Associated Procedure: Yes Policy Owner: Occupational Health and Wellness Specialist 
Next Review Date: September 2027 Date Last Approved by the CET: September 18, 2024 
Related Documents and Links
1. Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of this policy is:

  • To provide guidelines on ways to make our environment healthy and safe for all community members.
  • To increase awareness within the college community about the potential impact of scented products on the health, wellbeing, and productivity of community members and the impact of vehicle idling emissions on air quality and human health.
  • To communicate expectations around compliance with the college’s “scent-smart” and idle-free environment.
  • To provide steps for responding to scent-related issues.
2. Application

This policy is applicable to all members of the college community, including college employees, students, contractors and visitors, at all Loyalist College locations.

3. Policy Statement

Loyalist College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of the college community. The college seeks to eliminate or minimize potential exposure by promoting a scent-smart environment because fragrances, chemical scents, and odours can have adverse health effects for those with sensitivities or allergies.

Even when stationary, idling vehicles have negative health impacts. The college aims to deter these adverse impacts on air quality and human health by limiting idling on campus grounds.

4. Scent-Smart Practices

The college community is strongly encouraged to be courteous and respectful of those who are scent-sensitive by using unscented personal care or laundry products and refraining from the use of air freshening products.

5. Idle-Free Practices

Loyalist College staff, faculty, students, visitors and contractors are strongly encouraged to turn off the engine of their vehicle if stopped at a college location for more than 60 seconds. Modern engines need no longer than two to three minutes to warm up and idling for 10 seconds or longer uses more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it.

6. Indoor Air Quality

Occasionally, air quality issues caused by environmental factors or construction will be present in college buildings on a temporary basis. These will be evaluated and addressed on a case-by-case basis.

8. References