Appendix A: Joint Health and Safety Committee

The following is a list of representatives of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, who can be consulted for occupational health and safety issues or concerns:

NamePhone ExtensionRoom NumberDepartment
Sarah Alexander (E)
23543H1KCorporate Services
*Tracy MacKenzie (W)
23872H22AJustice Studies
Katherine Potts (E)26723H1People & Culture
*Warren Hunton (W)21492L17Information Technology
Craig Jackman (W)24122N2D2Media Studies
*Tiffeny Dyck (W)2294P47LTKC
Dominique Jenkins (E)2102C105Manager, Residence
*Luke Sinclair24342L5AFacilities Services
*Vicki Hallam
(Resource, non-voting)
24183H1BOrganizational Health & Wellness
* = Certified Member
W = Worker Representative
E = Employer Representative