Return to Work

Policy Number: HR 311 Policy Title: Return to Work 
Supersedes Existing Policy?Policy Owner: Vice President, People & Culture 
Associated Procedure: Date Last Approved by the CET: December 5, 2013 
Related Documents and Links
1. Introduction and Purpose

To document the components of the Return to Work (RTW) program to ensure a caring and consistent approach for all employees returning to work after an illness or injury.

2. Application

The Return to Work program is applicable to both occupational and non-occupational illnesses and injuries for all College employees.

3. Policy Statement
  • 3.1 The College will make every reasonable effort to accommodate employees who require assistance in returning to work after an illness or injury.
  • 3.2 The RTW program is compliant with legislation under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
  • 3.3 The goal of the RTW process is to return the ill or injured employee to full duties of the pre- disability position.
  • 3.4 All parties (the College, the Union and the employee) share in the responsibility to facilitate an employee’s return to safe and suitable work in a timely manner.
  • 3.5 A RTW Team, comprised of the employee, manager, Human Resources Representative, Service Provider (if required), Union representative (if requested by employee), and the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will participate in, and contribute to, the return to work process.
  • 3.6 All persons involved with the RTW program will maintain all medical and personal information in a confidential manner, shared only on a need-to-know basis with those directly involved in facilitating the RTW process. Personal medical information will be kept in a confidential Human Resources Services (HRS) file, separate from the employee’s employment file.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.1 The ill or injured Employee will:
    • Inform their treating health professional that early and safe return-to-work opportunities are available at the College.
    • Focus on recovery and obtain appropriate medical treatment.
    • Maintain contact with Human Resources Representative or Service Provider, WSIB or the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator as requested, and advise the respective party immediately if there are any difficulties with the RTW plan.
    • Provide objective medical information that identifies any limitations or restrictions necessary for RTW planning.
    • Participate in identifying appropriate return-to-work options.
    • Cooperate in the RTW process, accepting reasonable accommodation within their abilities and limitations and, once the RTW process has begun, to work within those limitations and capabilities.
  • 4.2 The Manager (Supervisor) will:
    • Ensure that non-occupational absences are reported in a timely manner to Human Resources Services.
    • Ensure that occupational absences are reported immediately to the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator (refer to HR 225).
    • Respect the employee’s right not to share medical information with his/her manager.
    • Work with the RTW Team to identify RTW options within the work area based on the employee’s abilities and limitations.
    • Promote a supportive RTW environment within their department.
    • Actively participate in the return to work planning, assessment and implementation process.
  • 4.3 The Union Representative will:
    • Represent employee, when requested by the employee.
    • Assist employee in understanding RTW procedures and his/her responsibilities regarding the RTW process.
    • Participate in the RTW Team meetings, if required.
    • Support accommodation measures.
  • 4.4 The Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator will:
    • Manage the return-to-work process for employees with occupational illnesses or injuries, including the following:
      • Initiate and maintain regular contact with employee if required,
      • Liaise with the employee, WSIB, manager and Human Resources Representative on abilities/restrictions, accommodation measures, essential duties of the position and physical job demands in order to support the development and implementation of the RTW plan,
      • Ensure the employee and manager understand the procedures and responsibilities relating to the RTW procedure,
      • As requested, assist with the coordination of any supporting assessments and programs,
      • Convene RTW Team meetings as required,
      • Document minutes of the RTW Team meetings and other communications with RTW parties.
    • When requested by Human Resources Services, assist with and support RTW activities for non- occupational illnesses and injuries.
  • 4.5 Human Resources Services will:
    • Notify the Occupational Health & Safety Coordinator when RTW support is required for employees with non-occupational illnesses or injuries
    • Initiate and maintain regular contact with employee.
    • Liaise with the employee, and Service Provider, if applicable, on abilities/restrictions, accommodation measures, essential duties of the position and physical job demands in order to support the development and implementation of the RTW plan.
    • Ensure the employee and manager understands the procedures and responsibilities relating to the RTW procedure.
    • Convene RTW Team meetings as required.
    • Document minutes of the RTW Team meetings and other communications with RTW parties.
    • Review the RTW Program outcomes; identify trends or emerging issues that require action.
  • 4.6 The Executive Director, Human Resources Services and Organizational Development will:
    • Ensure appropriate general communications and/or training about the RTW Program to staff and managers.
    • Ensure consistency of application with all employee groups.
    • Ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws.
    • Allocate resources for the RTW program as required.
    • Assist and mediate in dispute resolution.
    • Provide the College Executive Team with an annual review of program results and recommendations.
  • 4.7 The Return to Work Team will:
    • Identify options for job accommodation based on the abilities and limitations of the ill or injured employee and operational requirements of the College.
    • Support, review and revise RTW Plans as required.
6. References
  • Model College Return to Work Program – OPSEU – – Council of Regents, Return to Work Task Force 2002
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Act – Part V – Return to Work
  • WSIB Operational Policy Manual – Work Reintegration
  • A Guide for Managing the Return to Work – Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Ontario Medical Association
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act