Loyalist College recognizes graduates with online Convocation celebrations

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Belleville, Ontario, June 12, 2020 – This month, 2,225 Loyalist College students will graduate with 2,311 postsecondary credentials, including Ontario College advanced diplomas, diplomas and certificates. They join a supportive network of more than 44,000 Loyalist alumni living coast-to-coast-to-coast and around the world. Although the June Convocation Ceremonies have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Loyalist is recognizing graduates virtually through the College’s Online Convocation Webpage.

1,494 diplomas and certificates will be conferred on 1,439 graduates in the:

School of Applied Sciences, Skills and Technology

School of Media, Business and Access 

817 diplomas and certificates will be conferred on 786 graduates in the:

Centre for Advancement of Teaching and Learning

School of Health, Human and Justice Studies 

Graduates will receive their certifications in the mail, along with a congratulatory letter from Bob Forder, Chair of the Loyalist College Board of Governors, on behalf of the Board of Governors, and a letter from Loyalist President and CEO, Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan.


“The 2020 Valedictorians are graduating students who achieved high academic standing and made exceptional contributions to the College and our communities,” said President Vaughan. “These seven student leaders initiated courageous conversations around students’ issues, ranging from mental health, food insecurity and homelessness to inequality and violence. They each introduced important changes on campus that help foster a healthy and mindful learning and student life environment which values respect, diversity and equality for all individuals.”

Alicia Douglas, Community and Justice Services, 2020; Police Foundations, 2019
During her time at the College, Ms. Douglas was an advocate for students and an active participant in student government. She acted as Residence Assistant, as well as Justice Studies Leader for the 2018-2019 academic year, and Student Government President during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Caleb Seguin, Photojournalism, 2020
Mr. Seguin was Captain of the Men’s Varsity Volleyball team at Loyalist. He has been recognized for his leadership at the College with numerous awards including the President’s Student Leadership Award for his involvement in the Talk Tuesday campaign, advocating for more mental health conversations and support on campus. He now holds two diplomas, including one in Digital Photography.

Hannah Dossett, Esthetics & Spa Management, 2020
Ms. Dossett holds a certificate in Pre-Health Sciences. In addition to her athletic excellence and leadership on the Women’s Varsity Volleyball team, she maintained an outstanding academic record, consistently attaining Dean’s List. She was a recipient of the President’s Student Leadership Award for her contributions to the Talk Tuesday mental health campaign.

Hardik Patel, Computer Systems Technician, 2020
Mr. Patel participated in many important initiatives and activities during his time at Loyalist and has been recognized with numerous awards for his leadership at the College. He was a Residence Assistant, as well as Student Government Vice-President during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Ryan Mallon, Social Service Worker, 2020
Mr. Mallon acted as class representative during his second year of the Social Service Worker program, and conducted valuable research for Loyalist’s Intergenerational Home Sharing Program: College Students Co-living with Older Adults project. Outside of school, he volunteers with the 18th Belleville Cub Scouts Canada.

Rachel O’Sullivan, Practical Nursing, 2020
During her time at the College, Ms. O’Sullivan maintained an outstanding academic record, graduating with Dean’s List standing and receiving the Dean’s Commendation. She is a Registered Practical Nurse on the Acute Medicine Unit at Belleville General Hospital.

Taylor Wightman, Public Relations – Event Management, 2020; Customs Border Services, 2019
In three years, Ms. Taylor has graduated from two Loyalist programs. She was a member of the Women’s Varsity Soccer team and a staff member at the Campus Fitness Centre. A recipient of the President’s Student Leadership Award, she was actively involved in the Talk Tuesday mental health campaign.

Watch the Valedictorians’ video speeches.

Presentation of Honorary Diplomas and Prestigious Awards

Nandini Amitkumar Patel is the recipient of the Governor General’s Academic Medal, which recognizes exceptional academic achievement at the College. The Collegiate Bronze Medal is awarded to the student who achieves the highest overall average upon graduation from a diploma-level, postsecondary program. Ms. Patel is a graduate of the Early Childhood Education program, with an outstanding academic record and a cumulative average of 97.78 percent.

Achievement Awards

Other distinctions awarded this year include the Weston Family Scholarship in the Skilled Trades. The W. Garfield Weston Foundation is a private Canadian family foundation, established in the 1950s by Willard Garfield Weston and his wife, Reta. The Scholarship was established as a pilot program at Loyalist in 2013 and provides financial support and recognition to students in the skilled trades.

Twenty-six Weston Family Scholars graduated this year, in:

Carpentry and Renovation Techniques

  • Wyatt Craig, Stirling

Carpentry and Renovation Technician

  • Alexa Wiarda, Belleville
  • Grant Burlock, Kanata

Electrical Techniques

  • Mathew Newhook, Port Perry
  • Weston Jarvis, Picton

Electrical Engineering Technician – Industrial

  • Melissa Peddigrew, Trenton
  • Xiangjian Li, Milton

Electrical Engineering Technician – Automation

  • Kurtis Duffy, Nepean

Manufacturing Engineering Technician

  • Skyler Barker, Belleville
  • Owen Clarke, Castleton
  • Ethan Puffer, Belleville
  • Samantha Franklin, Belleville
  • Quinn Dunkley, Campbellford
  • Curtis Jackson, Belleville
  • Ezekiel Ruddy, Ottawa
  • Caeleigh Von Zuben, Claringto

Motive Power Technician – Service and Management

  • Sean Blayney, Plainfield
  • Autumn Hatherly, Oshawa
  • John Roussakis, Trenton

Motive Power Fundamentals – Parts and Counter Personnel

  • Jeremy Cassidy

Welding Techniques

  • Madison Henderson

Welding and Fabrication Technician

  • Alex Calver, Napanee
  • Emily Jaring, Vankleek Hill
  • Kyle Legault, Carleton Place
  • Jade Murphy, Stittsville
  • Liam Smith, Madoc


“Graduates of 2020, we made it to the finish line with an unexpected turn of events. This was not the way that any of us planned on finishing College, but we’ve learned to adapt to our surroundings and to continue pushing forward. I want to congratulate each and every one of you on completing your academic journey in such a difficult time.” – Valedictorian Alicia Douglas

“It has taken a lot of work, dedication and teamwork to get to this point, and we all deserve to be celebrated. I am thankful today for the lessons I have learned and for the friendships I have made over the past two years at Loyalist College.” – Valedictorian Ryan Mallon

“I am elated to receive such an honour. This award has come as a complete surprise and I would like to extend a sincere thanks to Loyalist College for bestowing me with the award. I thank God, my family and my amazing teachers at Loyalist for supporting and guiding me in my journey. This award further inspires me to excel.” – Nandini Amitkumar Patel, Governor General’s Academic Medal Recipient

About Loyalist College
Loyalist is Ontario’s Destination College, empowering students, faculty, staff, and partners through experiential, industry cluster-based education, training and applied research programs. The College provides job-ready graduates for, and knowledge transfer to, industry and the community. When it comes to Ontario college graduates getting jobs, Loyalist is the top College in the province, according to KPI results, released November 2018. Of 2016-17 Loyalist graduates, 90.8 percent were employed within six months after graduation. Located on more than 200 acres in the beautiful Bay of Quinte region, the College is perfectly positioned between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Loyalist offers more than 70 full-time diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs in biosciences, building sciences, business, community service, health and wellness, media studies, public safety, and skilled trades. Continuing education options are available through LoyalistFocus.com; including hundreds of online, distance and in-class courses; and through the College’s 100+ university transfer agreements. Loyalist is a key driver of social and economic health in eastern Ontario. It contributes 5.8 percent of the Gross Regional Product, representing $465 million annually to the regional economy – based on an October 2018 report by Emsi. For more information on Loyalist’s Belleville and Bancroft campuses and Port Hope satellite location, visit YoureGoingPlaces.com.

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Contact: Kerry Lorimer, Director, Marketing, Communications and Recruitment
Loyalist College, klorimer@loyalistcollege.com, 613-969-1913, ext. 2536

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