Are you considering college?
Take the LEAP into post-secondary studies by taking a FREE course at Loyalist College this fall. Choose from one of three courses, delivered at Loyalist’s Belleville campus on weeknights to fit your schedule.
There are several advantages to taking a course with LEAP:
- Explore post-secondary and future career options.
- Experience college first hand to ease your transition to college or to see if it’s right for you.
- Become familiar with Loyalist’s campus and services.
- The course credit you earn through LEAP can be applied to a future college program to reduce your first-year course load.
- Enjoy access to supports available to full-time Loyalist students.
Ready to take the LEAP at Loyalist?
Explore course options and complete the registration form below. We look forward to seeing you on campus this Fall!

Course Options
This course prepares students to be successful in college communication and is foundational for workplace communications. It is a course that is transferrable across all Skills and Technical programs that have a first-year communications course requirement. Additional details on transferability will be promulgated shortly.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Apply knowledge of effective communications across various contexts, including in an established and organized workplace setting. Produce structured and coherent verbal presentations and written documents.
- Differentiate between and utilize the appropriate communication channels to clearly convey information and opinion in a workplace or school setting.
- Create and articulate persuasive arguments by ensuring that the main points are adequately supported by appropriate and researched evidence.
Prospective students must have successfully completed English 11C or 11U and their OSSLT or OSSLC.
This course is 42 hours total in duration, delivered over 14 weeks, with one three-hour period each week.
Option 1 for this course will be Wednesdays, 4-7 pm
Option 2 for this course will be Thursdays, 4-7 pm
Professor: Kerry Horlock
This course has students employ basic principles of math to solve problems involving various number types (integer, fractions and decimals) as they apply to problems in a variety of trade situations. It is a course that is transferrable across all Skills and Technical programs that have a first-year mathematics course requirement. Additional details on transferability will be promulgated shortly.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Employ basic principles of math to solve problems involving various number types (integer, fractions and decimals) as they apply to problems in a variety of trade situations.
- Manipulate formulas in geometry, trigonometry and other industry standard formulas algebraically to solve problems in a variety of trade situations.
- Analyze practical problems that arise in a variety of trade situations and apply mathematical principles to develop correct solutions.
Prospective students must have successfully completed any Grade 11 math course.
This course is 56 hours total in duration, delivered over 14 weeks, with two separate two-hour periods each week.
This course will take place on Mondays 6-8 pm and Thursdays 6-8 pm
Professor: Mark Dolton
This course focuses on understanding climate and climate change, investigating the implications of climate change, the societal and environmental impacts of a changing climate, and geoengineering solutions. Students learn about sustainability as it relates to conserving water resources, food supply, and energy production.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Investigate the scientific processes and driving factors of climate change on regional and global scales.
- Understand recent climate science implications and corresponding geoengineering solutions.
- Comprehend and discuss sustainability issues and solutions that pertain to energy production / transportation, food, and waters.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course is 42 hours total in duration, delivered over 14 weeks, with one single three-hour period each week. This course is transferrable across any of the Bio, Chem or Env programs. Additional details to be promulgated shortly.
This course will take place on Thursdays 3-6 pm
Professor: Ross Kircher
Additional Notes:
- There is no cost
- Unless otherwise stated, all classes will be delivered at the Main Campus
- Successful completion of a LEAP course does not guarantee acceptance into that respective, nor any other, program at Loyalist College. Standard procedures apply for the application, confirmation and registration processes.