Credit transfer

If you have previously completed post-secondary courses at Loyalist College in a different program or if you have completed courses at another public college or university, you may be eligible to receive credit for courses in your current program.

Light blue graphic circles on a white background.

Credit transfer and exemptions 

A transfer credit is based on credits earned from a public post-secondary institution. There is a non-refundable $25 fee per external credit transfer application, up to a maximum of $125 per semester. 

An exemption is based on previous credits earned at Loyalist College. There is no fee for exemption applications.  

Important information and timelines

  • Typically, transfer credits and exemptions are only granted for courses completed within the past seven years (ten years for general education courses). 
  • A single course or combination of courses can be used to match at least 80 percent of the learning outcomes of the course for which you are seeking credit.
  • You can apply for a transfer credit or exemption up to the 10th day of classes for courses you are required to complete in the current term.
  • It can take four to six weeks to process your application and have your credit transfer request assessed, starting from the time all required documentation is received. Timelines may be longer during the summer months.
  • It is recommended that you stay registered and attend classes while waiting for the decision on your transfer credit application.
    • If a transfer credit application is approved and you are dropped from the course, this may impact your status as a full-time student.
  • Once a transfer credit has been accepted for one course, that course cannot be used again towards another course in the same program.
  • Courses approved for transfer credit are listed on your transcript but are not calculated in your GPA.
  • You cannot receive external credit transfer for more than 75 percent of a program’s requirements (50 percent for a degree program).

Are you a good candidate for credit transfer?

  • Current students: Review the course outlines of your previously completed courses and review the courses in your program. At least 80 percent of the learning outcomes should match. Speak to your program coordinator if you need more information or access to course outlines.
  • Prospective students: Review the course outlines of your previously completed courses and review the information on the program website. Email and we will help assess your suitability for credit transfer and connect you with our Admissions team and the program coordinator. You must be enrolled in a program at Loyalist College to apply for a transfer credit.

You can also review our database of previously assessed credit transfers to see if we have already assessed your completed course.

Transfer Credits Search

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You may search for institution name, course code, course title, etc.
Preparing your application

You must submit all the required information, including a detailed course outline or syllabus for the course you completed. If you completed your course outside of Canada, you are required to submit a course-level WES or ICAS evaluation.

Incomplete applications cannot be processed and may be cancelled.