Standing Committees
Audit and Risk Committee: The Audit and Risk Committee is a Standing Committee established to assist the Board in connection with all matters that may be referred to it by the Board. The Audit and Risk Committee shall be composed of: (a) at least four (4) External Governors, one of whom shall be elected by the Board as Chair of the committee and shall, for the purposes of such committee and the meetings of such committee, perform the function of Chair (b) the Vice-President Responsible for Corporate and Financial Services and the Treasurer (where the Treasurer is someone other than the Vice-President Responsible for Corporate and Financial Services), who shall be non-voting members of the committee; and (c) the President who shall be a non-voting member of the committee.
Executive and Governance Committee: The Executive and Governance Committee is a Standing Committee established to assist the Board in connection with the annual search for new Board nominees and to assist the Board in carrying on the affairs of the college in connection with all matters that may be properly referred to it by the Board. The Executive and Governance Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Past Chair, the Vice-Chairs, the President and the chairs of the other Standing Committees.
The Executive and Governance Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Board during the summer as well as on other occasions when a quick decision is required and it is not practicable to achieve the requisite quorum of Governors.
Ad Hoc Committees of the Board
Loyalist College Council: In accordance with the OCAAT Act and the “Governance and Accountability Framework” Policy Directive, the college hereby establishes the Loyalist College Council, the mandate, composition, membership and structure of which is established in Appendix 3 to Board By-Law 1. The Loyalist College Council is not a committee of the Board.
Foundation Board: The College Foundation was established in 1995 to provide leadership in meeting the goals for long-term development and fund raising to benefit the students and programs at Loyalist College. The board shall be comprised of nine (9) directors. There shall be four (4) directors from the college and five (5) directors from the broader community. The four (4) directors from the college shall include the President of the college, the Chair of the board of governors of the college, the Chief Financial Officer of the college, and the senior administrator responsible for advancement at the college. The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by the board who may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Corporation that are not by the by-laws or any special resolution of the Corporation or by statute expressly directed or required to be done in some other manner.